1. Section 72 of the Government of Wales Act 1998 and Standing Order 4 requires the
National Assembly to maintain and publish a register of interests of Assembly Members.
The register is updated quarterly.
2. Members are required to register any relevant interests within eight weeks of taking
the oath or affirmation and also register within four weeks any changes to those
interests. Section 72(6)(a) of the Government of Wales Act makes it an offence for any
Member to participate in proceedings of the Assembly without having registered a
relevant interest as specified in the Annex to Standing Order 4. The responsibility for
complying with the duties to register and declare interests rests with Members alone,
although they may seek advice from the Presiding Office.
3. Part 4 of the Annex to the Standing Order 4 provides for the establishment of
thresholds over and above which Assembly Members are required to register gifts,
hospitality and other material benefits or advantages. An Assembly resolution in May
1999 established the threshold for the registration of gifts (such as money, glassware
etc), at £125. For other benefits (such as tickets to sporting events) the threshold is
0.5% of their individual salaries (which currently equates to approximately £180).
4. Some Members choose to register a number of matters that fall below the stipulated
thresholds. They are entitled to do this if they so wish. However, it should be stressed
that those Members who have observed the thresholds have thereby complied precisely
and in full with the rules as laid down in the resolution of the Assembly.
Categories of Interests
5. The form for National Assembly Members to register their interests is prescribed
by the Presiding Officer and has the following eleven categories:
Category 1: Directorships
Category 2: Remuneration Employment, Office, Profession, etc
Category 3: The Names of Clients
Category 4: Gifts, hospitality, material benefit or advantage
Category 5: Remuneration or other material benefit
Category 6: Financial sponsorships
Category 7: Overseas visits
Category 8: Land & Property
Category 9: Shareholdings
Category 10: Public bodies
Category 11: Freemasons
Inspection of the Register
6. The Register of Members’ Interests is maintained in the Table Office of the
National Assembly for Wales. It is open to public inspection on the Internet or in the
Table Office itself during opening hours. Copies of individual entries will be made
available on request in accordance with Section 119 of the Government of Wales Act.
Table Office
Lorraine Barrett Labour (Cardiff South and Penarth)
1 Directorship(s)
Unremunerated Director of Penarth Youth Project (charitable
trust). Husband is Director of Penarth Pictures Ltd.
2 Employment
Husband is self-employed music Agent/Manager.
3 Names of Clients (Services)
Husband has various Rock'n'Roll bands and individual singers.
6 Financial sponsorship
Donations to election 1999; T&GWU £500(member).
Co-operative Party £500 (member), RMT £500.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Governor of Albert Road Primary School, Penarth.
Member of the Management Committee of Penarth Citizens
Advice Bureau.
Husband in process of applying for Grant from the Arts Council
of Wales.
Trustee of Penarth Community Arts Project (organisation in
receipt of lottery funding to put on art festival/s each year)
Trustee of Penarth Community Development Association (in
process of applying for charitable status and in receipt of small
start up grant from voluntary services organisation.
Organisations aim is to help other community organisations
Membership of Penarth Citizen Advice Bureau management
committee ceased on 28th June 2002.
Mick Bates Liberal Democrat (Montgomeryshire)
1 Directorship(s)
Chair Primestock Producers Ltd (Farmer Co-operative).
2 Employment
Partner with wife in farm business.
Wife is Head Teacher, KS2 team-leader for Maths, Inspector for
Estyn, Threshold Assessor, ACAC test review group for KS1
Maths and ACAC group on translation for Primary Maths
4 Gifts, hospitality etc
Ticket and hospitality to Rugby 6 Nations Wales v France from
8 Land and Property
Change of Family Business. Son has become a partner, now
BM, MJ and DT Bates. Value £150,000.
A Vodaphone mast has been constructed on the Farm.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Welsh Lamb and Beef Promotions.
Institute of Rural Health.
Peter Black Liberal Democrat (South Wales West)
2 Employment
Councillor on City & County of Swansea.
Partner employed by the National Museums & Galleries of
Wales (No Longer Relevant).
Wife employed by Swansea Housing Association.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Business card notecase from Federation of Small Businesses.
Model Car from Llandrillo College - value no more than £5. Two
dozen bottles of Assembly Ale from Whitbreads.
Cardiff card from Cardiff Marketing worth £12 with up to £50 of
claimable benefits.
Leather document case from Tarmac plc.
Lunch provided by the British Medical Association, less than
Ticket and hospitality from British Telecom for Wales v Japan
Rugby World Cup game on Saturday 9th October 1999. Ticket
and hospitality from Ford UK for Wales v Australia rugby world
cup game on Saturday 23rd October 1999.
HTV Year Book worth £27.50 from HTV Wales.
Lunch from unison.
Ticket and Hospitality at FA Cup final at Millennium Stadium,
Cardiff on 12 May 2001 from BT; Gift of Small souvenir clock
commemorating FA Cup Final.
Two tickets and hospitality at Stereophonics Concert,
Millennium Stadium, Cardiff and presented with Stereophonics
5 Remuneration or other
material benefit
£9180 from position as a Councillor on City and County of
Occasional broadcasting fees from BBC (not usually more than
6 Financial sponsorship
Election Expenses Paid by Liberal Democrats Wales, and by
South Wales West Liberal Democrats.
8 Land & property
Residence in Swansea.
My partner owns a Property in Canton, Cardiff, which is let
commercially (No Longer Relevant).
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of City and County of Swansea.
Governor Pentrehafod Comprehensive, Swansea.
Governor Brynhyfryd Infant and Junior Schools, Swansea.
Governor of University college Swansea.
Nicholas Bourne LLB LLM Conservative (Mid and West Wales)
1 Directorship(s)
Director of Wales European Centre
2 Employment
Barrister (non- – practising). Author, occasional Lecturer,
occasional fees from broadcasting.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Ticket and hospitality to opening game of the Rugby World Cup
from IRB Cymru on 1/10/99.
Ticket and hospitality to final of the Rugby World Cup on
6/11/99 from British Telecom.
Picture from Milford Haven Conservative Club.
Ticket and hospitality from BT for Wales v England rugby match
on 3 February 2001.
Ticket and hospitality from BT to the FA Cup Final at the
Millennium Stadium on 12 May 2001.
Ticket and hospitality from Western Power Distribution to see
Wales v Tonga - 17.11.01.
Ticket and hospitality from Western Mail to see Wales v
Australia - 25.11.01.
Ticket and hospitality from Western Power for Wales v Italy
rugby match 02.03.02.
Ticket and hospitality from BT for Wales v Scotland rugby
match 06.04.02.
Ticket and Hospitality at the FA Cup Final on 4 May 2002,
hosted by BT.
5 Remuneration or other
material benefit
Non-practising Barrister; visiting lecturer at University of Hong
Kong (less than £5,000),
Tutorial consultant for Tolleys Publishing (less than £5,000);
publisher of legal text books - Cavendish Publishing (Less than
7 Overseas visits.
Visits to Brussels with the European Affairs Committee.
Travel to Hong Kong and lecture paid for by Hong Kong
9 Names of Companies
British Airways, Rolls Royce; Alliance Unichem, British Airports
Authority, Royal Bank of Scotland (Less than £5,000)
Rosemary Butler Labour (Newport West)
1 Directorship(s)
Chair of the Board of the National Industrial and Maritime
Museum, Swansea
2 Employment
Husband - retired, in receipt of pension from UWCN.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Governor – University of Wales College Newport. RESIGNED
AS OF 7.12.99.
Honorary Fellow of the University of Wales College Newport.
Chair of NEWCO – Company established to build National
Maritime and Industrial Museum at Swansea.
Chair of the Board of the National Industrial and Maritime
Museum, Swansea
Eleanor Burnham Liberal Democrat (North Wales)
1 Directorship(s)
Director of the Assembly's Broadcasting Board
Trustee of Assembly Pension Fund
2 Employment
Husband is Freelance Consultant to 'Careers Wales' - self
employed consultant (Education Business Links).
Niece employed by Hiraethog Environmental Forum, Conwy
and Denbighshire CC - Objective One temporary contract until
March 2001.
3 Names of Clients (services)
Husband's Clients: Careers Wales.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc
Ticket and Hospitality to Wales v Italy football match.
7 Overseas visits
SERCO/NED 23&24 January, rail fact-finding visit to the
Netherlands (with an overnight stay in Utrecht).
Alun Cairns Conservative (South Wales West)
2 Employment
Occasional broadcasting fees & expenses.
Lloyds TSB Bank, 5 Cathedral Road, Cardiff - Employed as
Business Development Consultant responsible for staff training
& skills development. Remuneration includes a fully- funded
company car. No longer employed by Lloyds TSB.
Wife - Community Care and Education lawyer - part time
specialist casework support provided.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Hospitality and ticket for Wales V Canada on 21/8/99 from
British Telecom.
Hospitality and ticket for Wales v Argentina at Millennium
Stadium on 1/10/99 from British Telecom.
Hospitality and ticket from British Telecom on 23.10.99.
Hospitality and ticket Cardiff Devils Hockey Match on 21.11.99.
Hospitality and ticket for Wales v France, 5th February from the
Post Office Board.
BBC visit to Czech Republic to investigate the transfer of
electronic industry jobs from Wales to Eastern Europe.
Preparation of Website and by
7 Overseas Visits
Visit to Israel between 6/1/03-10/1/03 - flight organised by Israel
Information Centre. Hosted in Israel by Ministry of Foreign
8 Land & property
Part owner of agricultural field at Gwynfaen Farm, Lougher,
which could exceed stated ‘substantial value’ if development
planning was consented.
9 Names of Companies
Lloyds TSB shares.
Network Organisation LTD.
Christine Chapman Labour Co-op (Cynon Valley)
2 Employment
Occasional Part time lecturer Cardiff University. No longer part-
time Lecturer.
Spouse is Registered GP. Partner in Practice in Caerphilly.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Guest of BT (with dinner) at 3rd/4th-place play off of the Rugby
World Cup.
Overnight accommodation at Unison Conference 4/2/00.
Guest of BT – Rugby International.
Guest of BT at Bon Jovi Concert.
6 Financial sponsorship
Donations to election 1999 Co-operative Party £500, Unison
7 Overseas visits.
Visit to China with British Council Women’s Political
Participation including conference and meetings 28 October to
4 November 2000, value less that £5,000.
4/12/2000 visit to Prague with BBC Record programme about
Visit to the USA, as a Member of the Economic Development
Committee - sponsored by the US Department of State through
the voluntary visitor program.
Visit to Belfast as guest of British Council to attend a Seminar -
Engendering Democracy.
Visit to Azerbaijan as guest of British Council - Conference:
Women, Society and Politics.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of the Institute of Careers Guidance.
External Fellow of the University of Glamorgan.
Cynog Dafis Plaid Cymru (Mid and West Wales)
2 Employment
Assembly Member Only.
Wife is paid for translation work.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
The National Opera Company, value of tickets £80.
Associated British Ports, food £30.
7 Overseas visits
Dublin and Galway to discuss Economic Development and
8 Land & property
8 acres of agricultural land.
House in Ceredigion.
Flat in Cardiff.
Jane Davidson Labour (Pontypridd)
2 Employment
Nil other than as Assembly Member with additional salary as
Husband is lecturer in Pontypridd College, Secretary of
NATFHE (FESC), Vice Chair NATFHE – Wales.
7 Overseas visits
Accommodation and food from Cuban Government as part of
invitation to speak at Higher Education Conference 6th-8th February
Ron Davies Labour (Caerphilly)
2 Employment
Member of Parliament.
Partner is in the employ of Caerphilly County Borough Council.
5 Remuneration or other
material benefit
Periodic speaking engagements and Journalism - not
exceeding £500 PA..
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
Chairperson of the Caerphilly Woodlands Trust (Not in receipt
bodies in receipt of Assembly
of Assembly Funds).
Andrew Davies Labour (Swansea West)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Tickets for the Wales v Japan Rugby World Cup tickets from a
Swansea Consortium including the Swansea Institute and ATS,
hospitality was included, cost of tickets £40.
Rugby World Cup final tickets from HTV, hospitality was
included, cost of tickets £250 - value of tickets donated to
Ticket for Wales v Scotland in 6 Nations Championship Guest
of BBC Wales £30.00.
Ticket for Llanelli v Swansea in the WRU Challenge Cup Guest
of Swansea Rugby Club.
Ticket for Wales v Brazil Guest of Wales Tourist Board £10.00.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses (May 1999) wholly paid by Swansea West
Constituency Labour Party.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
President (Honorary Position) of Caer Las Housing Association
(Swansea) (non- remunerated).
Member of Management Board of National Centre for Public
Policy, Swansea University (Non remunerated).
Patron of Tan Dance (Community Dance Project in Swansea
and Neath Port Talbot).
Governor of Dynevor Comprehensive School, Swansea. (Non
Governor of Swansea College (Non remunerated).
Vice President of Heart of Wales Line Travellers' Association.
Jocelyn Davies Plaid Cymru (South Wales East)
1 Directorship(s)
Executive member of Wales Public Law and Human Rights
Association. (No remuneration received).
Membership of the Advisory Board of the Centre of Welsh Legal
Affairs, Aberystwyth. (No remuneration received).
2 Employment
ITN 23rd May - 25th May as guest presenter of Powerhouse
programme – Value £1,750.
BBC analysis programme Radio 4, July 20th - £50.
BBC Any Questions £220.
Partner employed part time at Constituency Office.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Tickets and hospitality from HTV for self, partner and son in
respect of the Wales v Australia Rugby World Cup game on
Saturday 23
October 1999.
18th March Commemorative train journey from Newport to
Bangor plus hospitality for self and son from Wales and West
Trains to celebrate 150 years Britannia Bridge Crossing.
19th March, 5 tickets and hospitality for self and family for six
nations game Wales v Scotland from WRU.
Ticket and hospitality for Tina Turner Farewell Concert at
Millennium Stadium.
Channel 4 Political Awards Hotel and Accommodation and
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses met by Plaid Cymru the Party of Wales.
7 Overseas Visits
, 7
, 8
October 2002. Visit to Gibraltar. Flights and
accommodation provided by the Gibraltar Government for
acting as an observer to their referendum on the question of
shared sovereignty between Britain and Spain.
Janet Davies Plaid Cymru (South Wales West)
1 Directorship(s)
Director of National Assembly for Wales Broadcasting
2 Employment
Widow’s occupational pension from SA Brain & Co.Ltd.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Second hand photo copier, estimated value £1,500 on loan
from Phoenix Digital, 389 Newport Road, Cardiff.
Expenses - travelling and accommodation - to Women &
Parliamentarians' Conference, Edinburgh 27/9/01-30/9/01.
Conference sponsored by Scottish Parliament and Northern
Irelend Assembly. Expenses paid by National Democratic
Institute, Washington DC and Vital Voices Global Partnership.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses from Plaid Cymru, the Party of Wales.
9 Names of Companies
S A Brain & Co. Ltd., St Mary Street, Cardiff. (Less than
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Governor of Llanhari Primary School. Governor of Ysgol Gyfun
Glyn Davies Conservative (Mid and West Wales)
2 Employment
Principal, T E Davies & Son, Livestock Farmers.
Spouse is Partner, TE Davies & Son, and Part time researcher
for Glyn Davies, AM.
8 Land & property
Livestock Farm in Powys.
Buildings in Welshpool and Oswestry (Restaurants). - No
Longer Relevant
Residential property with land.
Property in Cardiff Bay.
Interest in property in Welshpool. - No Longer Relevant
Spouse owns residential property with land.
9 Names of Companies
Wynnstay & Clwyd Farmers; Farmers Ferry.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
National Farmers Union. Farmers Union of Wales.
Country Landowners Association.
Farmers Ferry Ltd.
National Trust
David Davies Conservative (Monmouth)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Lunch for Monmouth Twinning Committee sponsored by Sony
UK, cost £130 maximum.
Lunch and ticket to Rugby international on the 28/8/99.
Whilst on official visit to Dublin with John Marek, entertained by
Irish Government, several meals and drinks.
Lunch at Chepstow Races 27th December prior to Welsh Grand
National – Coral Eurobet Value £50 approx.
Ticket and hospitality at Wales v Ukraine football match from
British Telecom.
Ticket and Hospitality from Welsh National Opera.
5 Remuneration or other material
S4C programme Hacio, cheque paid for by HTV.
Occasional fees from Broadcasting estimate £250pa.
7 Overseas visits.
Visited Dublin at Assembly's expense.
Visit to Brussels at Assembly’s expense.
Visit to Netherlands and Docklands light railway to meet Serco
representatives and discuss their operations - 30 & 31 January
2003 - paid for by Serco/NS.
Geraint Davies Plaid Cymru (Rhondda)
2 Employment
Sole Proprietor of the two community pharmacies in Treherbert
and Treorchy with one drug store in Treherbert, income £4,457.
Merril Davies (Spouse) - manager of Geraint R Davies
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Ticket to Wales V France on 28/8/99 from BT and Wales V
Argentina on 1/10/99 from Mills and Reave.
Lunch with Rhondda Housing Association on 25/8/99.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses received from Plaid Cymru the Party of
8 Land & property
Three shop premises in Treherbert & Treorchy. (No longer
1 House in Treherbert, Rhondda.
Merril Davies (Spouse) - owner of constituency office and
receives income on the form of rent.
9 Names of Companies
Alliance Unichem PLC. CGNU.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council.
Member of Rhondda Housing Association and Aelwyd Housing
Richard Edwards Labour (Preseli Pembrokeshire)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
F.S.B. Business Card Notecase.
Welsh Director model Car.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses (May 1999) paid in full by Preseli
Pembrokeshire constituency Labour Party.
8 Land & property
A property in Carmarthen.
Dafydd Elis-Thomas Plaid Cymru (Meirionnydd Nant Conwy)
1 Directorship(s)
NAW Broadcasting Company
2 Employment
Wife is employed as an official in the National Assembly for
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Cardiff Singer of the World - Complimentary ticket (including
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
President of University of Wales, Bangor. Member of Academi
Sue Essex Labour (Cardiff North)
2 Employment
Lecturer, Cardiff University (On leave of absence).
Husband employed as consultant, including Policy Officer for
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in Wales.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Rugby World Cup tickets from HTV and British Gas – Cheques
to cover costs of ticket given to charity.
Law Society annual dinner and overnight accommodation.
Hospitality for Wales v Italy Rugby Match from King-Sturge.
Donation given to charity.
2 Dinner tickets for Wales Woman of the year from S4C,
approximate value £50 in total.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses 1999, Cardiff North Labour Party
7 Overseas visits.
Visits Brussels – European Commission. Value - £218.60
travel; £37.41 subsistence.
8 Land & property
A house in Cardiff, which is currently rented (16/06/1999).
Two houses in Cardiff (in joint ownership).
Delyth Evans Labour (Mid and West Wales)
2 Employment
Partner: Policy Adviser, Prime Minister's Policy Directorate.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
7.10.2000, 3 tickets for Carmen dress rehearsal courtesy of the
Welsh National Opera.
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional fees from media work.
8 Land & Property
Partner has part share in Flat in London for own use. Some
rental income from this property.
Michael German OBE Liberal Democrat (South Wales East)
1 Directorship(s)
Resigned all directorships including L'Avenir Ltd.
2 Employment
Only as Assembly Member. My daughter is employed by Hyder.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Tickets and hospitality to four Rugby World Cup matches, one
from Hyder, two from British Telecom and one from the WDA.
Ticket and hospitality Wales v Italy Rugby match from Post
Ticket and hospitality, Halifax Building Society for Northern
Ballet Theatre.
Bottle of Whisky from Irish Consul.
Ticket and hospitality for Tina Turner Concert from BT.
Assistance with personal legal fees, £8,900 from Alun Davies,
£1,000 from Chris Lines.
Christmas wrapping paper and associated decoration from The
Gift Wrap Company
5 Remuneration or other material
£50 fee for presentation on Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Canmol.
7 Overseas visits.
Canadian High Commissioner - study visit to Ontario and
Quebec 23-30 September 2000.
9 Names of Companies
L'Avenir Ltd.
Brian Gibbons FRCGP Labour (Aberavon)
1 Directorship(s)
Spouse is Director of Gwynfi community Co-operative.
Trustee - Blast Furnace No.5 Fund.
2 Employment
Registered Medical practitioner. General Practice Non-principal.
Secretary to Morgannwg Local Medical Committee to 1/7/99.
Locum General Practitioner on sporadic basis mainly at Gwynfi
Health Centre.
Spouse is Social Worker employed by Local Government and
Voluntary Sector.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Coffee Table book of photographs - British Steel.
Farewell Gift from GPs in Morgannwg on resigning as local
medical committee secretary (value £712).
November 1999 working dinner at the offices of Morgannwg
Local Medical Committee.
Steel envelope opener, Corus/BSC tie - Corus/ISTC Port
6 Financial sponsorship
MSF help for election expenses £1,000.
Financial support for election expenses; £50 from ISTC, £100
from T&G, £100 from CWU(S.W.W), £50 from MSF-Swansea
Aberavon constituency Labour Party sponsored by UCATT and
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
School Governor – Cymer Afan Comprehensive School.
Spouse is Governor - Abergwynfi Infants and Junior School.
William Graham JP Conservative (South Wales East)
1 Directorship(s)
Deputy Chairman, Rougemont School Trust
Director, United Reformed Church (Province of Wales).
Chairman, Rougemont School Trust
2 Employment
Principal Graham & Co Chartered Surveyors.
Member of Newport County Borough Council (
Newport Harbour Commissioner (unremunerated).
Justice of the Peace (supplemented list) (unremunerated).
8 Land & property
5 commercial properties in Newport.
Janice Gregory Labour (Ogmore)
2 Employment
Sir Raymond Powell MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A
0AA; Constituency Parliamentary Secretary until 30th June
Husband is Self Employed Design/Development Consultant for
Furniture Industry and part time administrator for Janice
6 Financial sponsorship
T&GWU £100 (Election Fund donation)
Other Member of the Co-operative Party.
Union of Shop Distributive & Allied Workers, (U.S.D.A.W) and
the Fabian Society.
John Griffiths LLB Labour (Newport East)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Hyder - ticket and hospitality - Swansea Vs Llanelli SWALEC
cup final, S4C –
Ticket and hospitality - Cardiff Singer of the World,
Whitbread Brewery - 60 bottles of Assembly Ale.
British Telecom - Various hospitality exceeding 0.5% of salary
as an Assembly Member.
Ticket and hospitality for FA Cup Final supplied by BT
exceeding £170
John Collins & Partners - solicitors, Swansea Law Society
annual dinner and overnight accommodation and breakfast for
self and wife.
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional fees from broadcasting and participating in
6 Financial sponsorship
The co-operative party and the ISTC Union contributed to my
election expenses. Both will make ongoing payments to my
constituency Labour Party.
7 Overseas Visits
Visit to Netherlands (and London Docklands Light Railway) to
view operations of SERCO and Netherlands Railways -
expenses met by SERCO/NS.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of Workers' Education Association.
Governor Duffryn Comprehensive School, Newport
Christine Gwyther Labour (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire)
1 Directorship(s)
Spouse - Stephen James May - is sole Director of Steve May
3 Names of clients (Services)
Steve May Consulting has current contract with National
Museums & Galleries of Wales - estimated remuneration
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Dinner for Member & Spouse - Early Potato Conference in
Pembrokeshire, May 1999.
Two tickets to Wales-England rugby match 2001.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses met by Carmarthen West & South
Pembrokeshire Constituency Labour Party.
7 Overseas visits
Overnight trip to Dublin 11-12 February to launch INTERREG
III. Costs met by Wales European Funding Office - Approx.
8 Land & Property
73 High Street, Pembroke Dock
76 Conway Road, Cardiff
9 Names of Companies
Spouse - Stephen James May - Sole Director of Steve May
Alison Halford Labour (Delyn)
1 Directorship(s)
Play Wales (Now Resigned)
2 Employment
Occasional column for newspaper, TV appearance or radio
Flintshire Evening Leader - columnist every 2 weeks.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Business Card Notecase from Federation of Small Businesses
Welsh Director model car to mark start of Welsh Assembly.
Guest occasionally to Clwyd Theatr Cymru (tickets).
5 Remuneration or other material
Wrote article for newspaper Feb/March 2000 - Value £350.
Writing Column £25
9 Names of Companies
Only utilities - Gas, BT & Manweb (Minimal share option).
Queens Moat (Hotel) Shares – Very small number.
Brian Hancock Plaid Cymru (Islwyn)
2 Employment
Self-employed (Brian Hancock Associates) Health, Safety and
Environment Consultancy since July 1992 and Registered
Safety Practitioner (RSP).
3 Names of Clients (Services)
Zeon Chemicals Europe Ltd, Nippon Zeon Ltd, Zeon Europe
(Dusseldorf) – Service Provided: Health, safety and
environmental advice and preparation of health and safety data
sheets. Clive Ranger(Jewellers). Gwent Tec. GEM Ltd. Ty
Dawn Catering – Service provided Health, safety and
environmental advice and training.
7 Overseas visits
Guest of SERCO Rail/Dutch Railways to visit their operations in
London and Holland.
9 Names of Companies
1200 Shares in BP Amoco, 100 shares in British Gas, 100
shares in Hyder.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Chairman Newport Harriers Athletic Club.
Parent Governor for Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw Governing Body,
Co-opted Governor for Ysgol Gymraeg Casnewydd Governing
Member of Torfaen Association of School Governors
Vice-chair of Newport Association of School Governors.
Member of Newport CBC Education Committee.
Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers (ICHEME).
Member of Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Member of Management Committee of Governor Wales
(Confed. of School Governors' Association).
Edwina Hart MBE Labour (Gower)
2 Employment
Husband is P/T case worker for Edwina Hart, AM.
5 Remuneration or other material
Husband has Civil Service Pension.
Husband is Employment Tribunal Member
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses paid by Gower constituency Labour Party.
Member of TGWU and ISTC.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of court of Governors, University of Wales Swansea.
Trustee – Loughor Inshore Rescue, Registered Charity No
Trustee -Russell Sheppard Memorial Trust, Registered Charity
No 1082275.
Honorary Vice President of Longfields Association, Registered
Charity No 501401.
Honorary Vice President of Alzheimer's Society Swansea & Lliw
Valley, Registered Charity No 296645.
Vice President of Heart of Wales Line Travellers' Association
Jane Hutt Labour (Vale of Glamorgan)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Tickets and hospitality for World Cup Rugby match on 1st
October 1999.
Painting of Hospital – value unknown.
Pauline Jarman Plaid Cymru (South Wales Central)
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taff C. B. C.
University of Wales Cardiff Court of Governors.
Member Welsh Local Government Association.
Chair and Governor - Caegarw Primary School and Mountain
Ash Comprehensive.
Trustee - Cefnpennar and District Welfare Association.
Ieuan Wyn Jones Plaid Cymru (Ynys Mon)
1 Directorship(s)
Westminster Foundation for Democracy. (No longer Relevant)
2 Employment
Westminster Member of Parliament. (No longer Relevant)
Wife is a freelance artist.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Receipt of hospitality from the Western Mail and Echo, and a
ticket for the Wales v France game, 5 February.
Dinner and accommodation for my wife and I courtesy of the
Welsh Football League - chief guest at their Annual Meeting.
Ticket for football game Wales v Brazil 24.5.2000.
Ticket and hospitality for rugby game Wales v South Africa from
WPD 26.11.2000.
Ticket and hospitality to the FA final from BT, 12.5.01.
Cricket game at Lords. England v Australia ticket and
refreshments 20 July 2001. Guest to Ernst & Young Company.
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional payments from the media & as an author.
Weekly column in the News of the World. (No longer Relevant)
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses paid by Plaid Cymru.
8 Land & property
An apartment in London & a property in Cardiff.
Elin Jones Plaid Cymru (Ceredigion)
1 Directorship(s)
The Assembly’s Broadcasting Board.
2 Employment
Occasional singing and composing.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc
BT Hospitality at Bon Jovi concert
Austrailia v Barbarians rugby match.
Women in Politics conference at Edinburgh organised by the
National Democratic Association on Political Matters.
8 Land & property
House in Aberystwyth. House in Tregannau. House in Canton.
Two plots within the development area of Ceredigion Unitary
Development Plan at Llanwnnen, Lampeter, owned by parents.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of Aberystwyth University Council and Court.
Ann Jones Labour (Vale of Clwyd)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Guest with spouse of S4C to Final Concert at International
Eisteddfod, Llangollen 11th July 1999 & dinner following the
concert. Tickets £60 each & dinner etc £30 each.
Dinner at Cardiff Castle as guest of BHP Petroleum UK Talacre.
Fire Brigades Union, Overnight stay and evening meal at
Bloomsbury Thistle, value £140 approx.
Gareth Jones Plaid Cymru (Conwy)
1 Directorship(s)
The Victoria Club (Craig-Y-Don) Ltd. (Unremunerated). Trustee
of Women's Aid, Llandudno.
Director of Development – In Pact Technology.
5 Remuneration or other material
In receipt of Teachers pension.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses paid for by Plaid Cymru.
8 Land & Property
21 Madoc Street, Llandudno - 2
hand bookshop - part
ownership with wife.
9 Names of companies
In Pact Technologies
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
County Councillor, Conwy CBC (unpaid) - apart from basic
Helen Mary Jones Plaid Cymru (Llanelli)
2 Employment
Former Deputy Director EOC Wales.
Range of Voluntary Sector jobs with young people. Payment
from ITN for 4 programmes for Channel 4, approx. £2,000 fee
and expenses.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Hospitality at the quarter final of the Rugby World Cup
(donation made to cover the coast of ticket) (approx. £150).
Corporate hospitality at International Rugby Match 5/2/2000
from BT.
Hospitality at the opera, Swansea from BT. Value uncertain,
could exceed £150 for self and guest.
Hospitality to attend a weekend conference of Women
Parliamentarians in Edinburgh, provided by the National
Democratic Institute of International Affairs, Washington DC,
USA - September 2001.
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional bits of paid journalism, usually BBC Wales, rarely
more then £100.
Fee of £200 for training oversees staff of the BBC World
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
None current. Former member of National Committee of Welsh
Women's Aid.
Carwyn Jones LLB Labour (Bridgend)
1 Directorship(s)
Director, Groundwork Bridgend (No longer relevant).
2 Employment
Door Tenant at Temple Chambers Cardiff, as Barrister (no
longer in practice).
Occasional fees for broadcasting. (No longer relevant).
Wife works for the BBC.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Ticket to Wales v Argentina 1999 from Post Office.
Ticket to Wales v Australia 1999 from BT.
Ticket to Cardiff Devils v Nottingham Panthers Ice hockey from
BT 21/11/99.
Various sporting events from BT and Post Office in last
Assembly year.
BT hospitality worth more than £175 in total in 2000.
2001-02 Hospitality from BT and BBC Wales for rugby
internationals worth more than £175.
2002-03 Hospitality from BT and S4C at sporting events.
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional fees from broadcasting and back fees owing from
time as practising barrister (no longer in practice) – less than
£1,000 in total (no longer relevant).
6 Financial sponsorship
£500 from ASLEF and £100 from TGWU for election expenses.
Member of UNISON.
Member of TGWU.
7 Overseas Visits
Visit to Israel and East Jerusalem 6/1/03-10/1/03 - flight
organised by Israel Information Centre. Hosted in Israel by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
8 Land & property
Partial shareholding in Gower Chambers Ltd.
Company owns 57 Walter Road, Swansea. No income is
derived from this.
9 Names of Companies
Partial shareholding (1/11) (2001 shares) in Gower Chambers
Ltd (No income derived). Company owns 57, Walter Rd.,
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Director, Groundwork Bridgend (No longer relevant).
David Ian Jones (North Wales)
2 Employment
Senior Partner, David Jones & Company, Solicitors, Llandudno
Wife is Staff Nurse at the North Wales Medical, Llandudno
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Guest of Conwy Cars Ltd at Liverpool v Chelsea football match
at Anfield, Liverpool, 6 October 2002.
Guest of British Telecommunications at Wales v Italy football
match, Millennium Stadium, Cardiff, 16 October 2002.
Recipe book and CD from the Swedish Regional Council of
Västra Götaland.
8 Land & property
Leasehold office premises, Llandudno
Wife owns leasehold office premises, Llandudno
11 Freemasonry
I am a Freemason
Peter Law Labour (Blaenau Gwent)
2 Employment
Wife is part time nursing assistant and part time home carer.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
24 bottles of Assembly Celebration Ale, Whitbread (Donated to
a charity in Blaenau Gwent).
27 April 2001 attended Civil Engineers Contractors Association
Annual dinner as guest speaker, dinner and overnight
accomodation provided.
Rail travel ticket – Newport to Paddington – First Great Western
Train Company.
5 Remuneration or other material
Peter Law (Consultancy) Local Government and Public Affairs
(Non Practising). Past Client - Dwrcymru - Welsh Water.
6 Financial sponsorship
The Labour Party, the Co-operative Party, GMB Union.
8 Land & property
74 Attlee Road, Coedcae, Nantyglo.
Land at Nantyglo. Constituency Office, Ebbw Vale. No longer
owner of 74 Attlee Road, Coedcae, Nantyglo.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Honorary Presiding Officer Wales Forum of Local Councils.
Huw Lewis Labour (Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney)
Wife is Lynne Neagle, Assembly Member for Torfaen. Please
refer to her entry for details of her interests.
6 Financial sponsorship
Donations by various trade unions to constituency Labour Party
(MSF, GMB, T&GWU). For my constituency Labour Party by
AMICUS and Co-operative Party.
Dai Lloyd MBBCh MRCGP Dip.Ther Plaid Cymru (South Wales West)
2 Employment
Employment Prior to Assembly elections (6th May 1999) - Full
time NHS GP for 15 years.
Currently taking one surgery per week, for expenses only (to
cover medical insurance and Membership of professional
Lay preacher (expenses only).
Occasional attendance at pharmaceutical company –
sponsored educational meetings.
Occasional fees for TV/radio appearances and articles for
Wife is registered GP.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc
Health Policy Discussion, London - School of Health Informatics
paid for dinner and overnight stay.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expense paid for by Plaid Cymru.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
County Councillor, City & County of Swansea (No allowances)
Honorary Vice President, Alzheimer's Disease Society.
Swansea & Lliw Valley Member of Steering Committee,
WeMeReC, Llandough Hospital (Honorary).
Member of Welsh Council, (Royal College of GP's(Honorary).
Honorary Treasurer, S.W. Wales Faculty (Royal College of
Governor since September 1999 of Ysgol Gymraeg Login Fach,
Waunarlwydd, Swansea.
Valerie Lloyd Labour (Swansea East)
1 Directorship(s)
Non-remunerated Director of Morriston Children's Cemtre
(Charitable Trust)
Non-remunerated Director of Spark, Blaenymaes LTD.
2 Employment
Councillor on City & County of Swansea Council. Standard
Allowance plus S.R.A. Resigned as Councillor with City and
County of Swansea with effect from 10.03.2003.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Gift from Addis Ltd. Approx. value £150.00 Value of gift donated
to charity.
6 Financial Sponsorship
Election Expenses (September 2001) wholly paid by Wales
Labour Party.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of Court of Governors, University of Wales, Swansea.
Chairperson of Governors, Cwmrhydyceirw Primary School.
Governor of Swansea College (Resigned as Governor
Husband is a member of the City & County of Swansea
Husband is a Council nominee on the South Wales Police
Honorary Vice President of Longfields Association, Registered
Charity No 501401.
Vice President of Heart of Wales Line Travellers' Association.
John Marek Labour (Wrexham)
2 Employment
Member of Parliament (until 2001).
Wife - Member of Offa Community Council.
Wife is employed as secretary (part time).
6 Financial sponsorship
£1,000 by the MSF union towards election expenses.
8 Land & property
Constituency Offices at 67 Regent street, Wrexham - Value
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Governor – University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Governor – University of Wales, Bangor.
Governor – National Library of Wales.
Wife is a Trustee of the Wrexham Hospice & Cancer Support
Centre Foundation (Nightingale House).
Wife: Member of Offa Community Council (no longer relevant)
Wife: Board Member - Wrexham Civic Society
Wife: Patron - Dynamic
David Melding Conservative (South Wales Central)
2 Employment
Occasional broadcasting (usually BBC) and writing up to £2,000
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Guest of B.T. for pre-match hospitality and match ticket for the
opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup 1999 and the
Wales v Argentina game.
Guest of HTV for Wales v Australia (quarter final of the Rugby
World Cup), lunch, match ticket and dinner 23.11.99.
Ticket and hospitality for myself and guest for Wales v Scotland
match 18.3.2000 received from the Post Office Board.
Guest of BT for pre-match hospitality and match ticket for
Wales v Brazil international (23rd May 2000).
Match Ticket for Wales v Norway Soccer World Cup
Qualification tie and hospitality from BT on 7 October 2000.
Guest of S4C for Wales v South Africa match 26/11/2000,
match ticket and hospitality.
Match Ticket and hospitality for Wales v England rugby
international 3 February 2001 provided by BT.
Dinner guest of Morgan Allen Moore 12 November 2001.
Match ticket and hospitality for Wales v Australia rugby
international 25 November 2001 provided by BT.
February 2002 - guest of Consignia at Wales v France.
Match ticket and Hospitality for myself and guest.
February 2002 - guest of BT at Worthington Cup Final.
Match ticket and hospitality.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Chairperson of the governing body of Meadowbank Special
School, Cardiff.
Trustee, Autism Cymru
Tom Middlehurst Labour (Alyn and Deeside)
1 Directorship(s)
Non-executive Member of the Board of Wales European
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
2 complimentary tickets to Rugby League World Cup match in
2 complimentary tickets to Clwyd Theatre Cymru.
Two tickets and hospitality Clwyd Theatre Cymru performance
of King Lear 22 Feb 2001.
2 tickets and hospitality, Welsh National Opera, Wrexham.
2 tickets and hospitality, Clwyd Theatre Cymru, 01/03/02
1 ticket to Australia v Barbarians as guest of BT.
2 tickets for Orchestra Concert in Wrexham guest of Welsh
National Opera.
5 Remuneration or other material
In receipt of an occupational pension from local government.
In receipt of State pension.
7 Overseas visits
Visit to Brussels – Wales European Centre Board meeting.
Meeting with UKREP officials 28 Feb – 1 March 2001.
Visit to Frankfurt EPT Committee Public Transport Review 29-
30 March 2001.
Wales Week - Brussels - WEC Board meeting 27-28 February
9 Names of Companies
Prudential Royal Life.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of the Board of the Wales European Centre Ltd.
Rhodri Morgan Labour (Cardiff West)
2 Employment
Member of Parliament.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Two dozen bottles of Assembly Ale from Whitbreads.
Ticket and corporate hospitality from Western Mail & Echo for
Rugby World Cup 1999 – Wales v Argentina Rugby match
(Opening Ceremony) and ticket and hospitality from UWIC for
Wales v Australia (Saturday 23rd October 1999).
24 piece tea set with gold edging received during a visit to
Poland in September 2001. Estimated Value £200.
5 Remuneration or other material
£100 received from Ffilmiau’r Bont after participating in CYMRU
2000 programme.
£104.32 received from BBC for participation in 'Etholiad 2001'
panel on 04.06.01.
Honorary Degree from Cardiff University.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Honorary Fellowship of UWIC.
Jonathan Morgan Conservative (South Wales Central)
2 Employment
Fiancée works, part time, as a web site assistant for
GJW/Weber Shandwick Cymru/Wales.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Guest of S4C at the Final of the Cardiff Singer of the World.
Guest of British Telecom at Wales V France Rugby
international at the Millennium stadium.
Guest of British Telecom at the Wales V Japan Rugby World
Cup 1999 match in the Millennium Stadium.
Guest of Cardiff Marketing at the Wales v Samoa match at the
Millennium Stadium.
Guest at the 3rd/4th-place play off at the Millennium stadium on
Thursday 4 November.
Work undertaken on web-site by BT.
A gift of a print by Stan Rosenthal, from the artist.
Lynne Neagle Labour (Torfaen)
Husband is Huw Lewis, Assembly Member for Merthyr Tydfil
and Rhymney. Please refer to his entry for details of his
6 Financial sponsorship
Donations to constituency Labour Party by various trade unions
(Transport & General Workers Union).
Alun Pugh Labour (Clwyd West)
2 Employment
Assistant Principal, West Cheshire College. Resigned May 10
1999. Salary, £38,000.
Wife is College Lecturer.
Occasional Fees for broadcasting and writing.
6 Financial sponsorship
MSF - £1,000 & Unison £500 – election expenses.
7 Overseas visits
Visit to Docklands Railway London and Utrecht as a guest of
Jenny Randerson Liberal Democrat (Cardiff Central)
2 Employment
Resigned as County Councillor on 19/10/2000.
As part of his employment by Cardiff University my husband
undertakes research into renewable energy and has been in
receipt of a grant from the Assembly IEU (ERDF) – Value
£450,000 over 3 years approx. This grant is used for research
purposes only and does not contribute towards his salary. The
3 year period of the grant has now been completed and therefor
my husband is no longer in receipt of this money.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Cardiff Singer of the World – Complimentary ticket.
Wales v. South Africa rugby match – complimentary ticket
(including buffet).
Rugby ticket Wales v Italy and hospitality 19/2/2000 provided by
1 ticket for FA Cup on 12
May 2001 and hospitality from BT.
5 Remuneration or other material
Dividends from shares - BT & Woolwich.
9 Names of Companies
L'Avenir Ltd, BT & The Woolwich.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Cardiff County Council (resigned on 19/10/2000).
Member of Cardiff High School Governors term of office expired
October 2001
Member of Governing body – Rhydypenau Primary School
(Resigned on 19/10/2000).
Peter Rogers Conservative (North Wales)
8 Land & property
2 farms in Partnership. Value £800,000.
9 Names of Companies
7,500 shares in BT; Nominal number in BAA, BG, National
Power, Powergen.
Janet Ryder Plaid Cymru (North Wales)
1 Directorship(s)
Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council – resigned by end of
June 1999.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Small model car Llandrillo College - value £5.
£30 Carlton TV.
MANWEB/North Wales Papers - Annual Dinner of Community
BT Ticket to see Barbarians v Australia.
Book - Reclamation of Former Coalmines and Steelworks by IG
Richards, JP Palmer and PA Barret.
5 Remuneration or other material
£3001.47 annual rates for constituency office paid for by MEPs
Jill Evans and Eurig Wyn. Cwmni Hon.
£50 from Rhanbarth Wrecsam a De Clwyd - payment for the
use of the office for committees in 2001. Also £50 from Plaid
Cymru's Wrexham branch for similar use of office.
8 Land & Property
57 Erw Goch, Rhuthin
9 Names of Companies
Some (a small amount gained through change in status) shares
in Colonial Mutual.
Lloyds TSB Plc – 825 ordinary shares.
Rolls Royce Plc – 2,978 ordinary shares.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of Ruthun Town Council.
Chair of Canolfan Awelon Management Committee - local
Community centre which has applied for and received grants
from various bodies.
£650 to Mayors Charity Fund Mayors Allowances.
Karen Sinclair Labour (Clwyd South)
6 Financial sponsorship
£500 contribution from Unison for election expenses.
4 Gifts, hospitality, ect.
2 Tickets for last night concert Llangollen Eisteddfod £100.00 -
Ticket and Hospitality from BT to Wales v Italy football match,
16 October 2002.
8 Land & property
11 acres in Llangollen area - value approx. £2k/acre. Other
Unison Member and NFU Member.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Husband is Town Councillor, Llangollen, Denbighshire.
Gwenda Thomas Labour (Neath)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
1st Day stamp cover - Post Office.
Business card wallet - FSB.
Model Car - Llandrillo College, 22
June 1999.
Working dinner at Castle Hotel, Neath - National Federation of
Wooden bowl - Hillside Secure Unit, Neath.
24 bottles of beer from Whitbread Brewery.
5 September 2002. Pen and Pencil set in leather case
from Association of Public Service Excellence.
16 September 2002. Small Welsh Royal Crystal bowl from
Chairman, Cartref Housing Association.
5 Remuneration or other material
In receipt of pension from Paymaster General.
Husband in receipt of Post Office pension and also Incapacity
Benefit and Industrial Injury Benefit.
Occasional fees for broadcasting.
Now in receipt of state retirement pension. Date of entitlement
6 Financial sponsorship
Labour Party; UCW; T&G Workers Union; USDAW.
8 Land & property
Static caravan at Lydstep Holiday park near Tenby,
Pembrokeshire - will be let at commercial rates for at least 10
weeks of the year.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Chair of Governors, Ysgol Gynradd Gwaun Cae Gurwen.
Husband is a member of Gwaun Cae Gurwen Community
Member of the GMB Union.
Rhodri Glyn Thomas Plaid Cymru (Carmarthen East and Dinefwr)
1 Directorship(s)
Sgript Cyf (Non remunerated). Cyfarwyddwr Cardiff 2008 Cyf.
Cynnig gwneud Caerdydd yn Ddinas o Ddiwylliant, 2008.
Director - Cardiff 2008 Ltd. Proposal for making Cardiff the City
of Culture, 2008.
2 Employment
Congregationalist Chapels of St. Clears – Value £10,000
Wife is employed by Pembrokeshire County Council as Welsh
Language Adviser.
9 Names of Companies
Sgript Cyf.
Owen John Thomas MA Plaid Cymru (South Wales Central)
2 Employment
Teacher - Cardiff County Council until 31.8.99.
Wife, Sian Wyn Thomas, is School Teacher.
5 Remuneration or other material
Teachers pension 3/10/2000 £9,724.58.
6 Financial sponsorship
Election expenses paid by Plaid Cymru
Dafydd Wigley Plaid Cymru (Caernarfon)
1 Directorship(s)
Gwernafalau Cyf; Registered Office – Gwernafalau, Llandwrog,
Caernarfon, Gwynedd; Registers Number 2395647
Chairman - Furthering Science Trust Ltd.
UNA Cyf, Tonteg, Pontypridd - non-remunerated Director.
2 Employment
Member of Parliament until May 2001.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Two Rugby World Cup tickets, with hospitality, from the
International Rugby Board, 1999.
5 Remuneration or other material
Income from publishing book 'Maen I'r Wal' (November 2001),
publisher sponsored by the Welsh Books Council. Other income
from previous books and press articles.
Income for letting flat in London.
7 Overseas visits.
Visit to Paris Sponsored by British Council (1999).
Visit to Latvia at the expense of Foreign Office (April 2001).
Visit to the United States, October 2002; paid for in part by the
US Government.
8 Land & property
Owner of 6 acres of land adjacent to my home.
Owner of a flat in London.
9 Names of Companies
Gwernafalau Cyf - I have less than 1% of the companies share
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
Vice President Mencap Wales.
bodies in receipt of Assembly
President (Unpaid) - De Arfon Creamery, Chwilog.
Member of Hijinx Theatre Company.
Kirsty Williams Liberal Democrat (Brecon and Radnorshire)
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Diary and photograph album - Remploy, Ystradgynlais.
Rugby Ticket - Wales V Argentina (from BT).
Meal for Assembly Members and Partner at Llangoed Hall,
hosted by BBC.
Two tickets from HTV to the QuarterFinal of the 1999 Rugby
World Cup.
The Times lecture and Gala Dinner Hay Literary Festival 2001.
2 tickets to Bon Jovi concert from BT.
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional broadcasting fees from BBC (not usually more than
8 Land & property
Husband owns a 550-acre hill farm in Brecon and Radnorshire.
Phil Williams Plaid Cymru (South Wales East)
1 Directorship(s)
Non-remunerative Directorship of St. David’s Court
Management Company (Management Company for Residents).
2 Employment
Professor of Physics, (one third time) at University of Wales
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Tickets for World Cup from Post Office and BT. Equivalent cost
paid to the Mayor’s (or Chairman’s) Appeal of Five Local
5 Remuneration or other material
£380 from Yr Academi Gymraeg for contributions to the
Science Section of the new Encyclopaedia of Wales.
6 Financial sponsorship
Plaid Cymru the Party of Wales paid election costs.
7 Overseas visits.
Visit to Larians to speak to Conference of Union Democratique.
Travel costs (£250) and 2 night's accommodation paid by UDB.
Trip to the EISCAT International Workshop at Wermigerode,
Germany for a presentation and dinner.
Travel costs and accommodation paid for by EISCAT Scientific
Association (£350).
Visit to Malaysia for a CPA Study Group on IT. CPA Malaysian
Branch provided 6 nights accommodation.
Visit to Washington/Pittsburg with ED Committee. US State
Department provided $960 to cover 6 nights accommodation.
Visit to Sweden with the ED Committee. Västra Götaland
provided 2 meals and a visit to the opera.
Visit to London, Utrecht and Den Bosch as guest of SERCO
and NS on 03/01/23-24. (I stayed two extra days in the
Netherlands at my own expense to gather independent
evidence on Netherlands Railways).
Visit to Tokyo to give conference paper on measurements of
the Solar Wind. Travel and accommodation (£1300) paid for by
the Nippon Polar Institute.
Visit to Bad Ulach to give a paper on Sustainable Development
in Wales. Travel and accommodation paid for by University of
Visit to Kyiv, Ukraine to have discussions with small opposition
parties. Travel (£250) and accommodation (£500) paid for by
HM Foreign and Commonwealth Office via the Westminster
foundation. Also to give a seminar on the Svalbard EISCAT
Radar to the Institute for the Ionosphere, Kharkiv.
Accommodation provided by National Technical University of
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Member of Courts of Governors of University of Wales and
University of Aberystwyth.
I am the Royal Astronomical Society's representative on the
Court of Governors of University of Wales Cardiff, which is in
receipt of Assembly funds.
Also Registered
Val Feld Labour (Swansea East) - Deceased
1 Directorship(s)
Women's Jazz Archive.
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Hyder to SWALEC Cup Final 1999.
1/10/99 Rugby World Cup ticket and hospitality - BT.
4/11/99 Rugby World Cup match ticket and hospitality - Post
5/2/2000 hospitality and 6 nations rugby ticket from BT.
7 Overseas visits.
Visit to Northern Ireland as guest of Irish Trades Union Council
and Northern Ireland Equal Opportunities Commission to speak
at launch of Women's Agenda for Northern Ireland Assembly.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
Curenians Cymru.
Governor of Blaen Y Maes Primary School, Swansea.
March 2000, appointed as Director of SPARK in Blaen y Maes,
Alun Michael Labour and Cooperative (Mid and West Wales) - Resigned from the Assembly
2 Employment
Member of Parliament
4 Gifts, hospitality, etc.
Wilkinson - Pair of Wellingtons, umbrella, hard hat, luminous
vest for official lying of the foundation stone.
Picture from Caernarfon County Council.
Irish Foreign Minister - Bottle of whisky.
Whitbread - 24 bottles of Assembly Ale.
Swansea Business Club - Plate.
Chapelwood Church – Two Bibles.
Mitsui Kinzoku - Two replica Daruma dolls to mark the
inauguration of new European headquarters.
Henry Boot Construction (UK) ltd. - Sliver plate/tray to mark the
opening of St Giles Way, Wrexham.
Brohome ltd. Ystrad Mynach - small brass/wooden plaque to
mark official opening.
Bob Carr, Premier New South Wales - pair of cufflinks
(stainless steel), ballpoint pen in presentation case.
Dai Smith, Head of Broadcast English Language, BBC Cymru
Wales - book 'The People of Wales'.
Painting from HSBC Bank to mark Wales Community
Enterprise Bursary Awards.
South African High Commissioner - two goblets and a set of
Rugby World Cup Tickets - Opening Ceremony 1 October,
Argentina v Japan 16 October, Quarterfinal (Wales v Australia)
23 October, Cup final 6 November Wales v France rugby
international 6 February.
The Gift-Wrap Company - Box of Christmas wrapping paper,
bows crackers and cards (unsolicited - passed on to charity).
Irish Consul -Book about the Good Friday agreement, a
millennium candle and a bottle of whiskey.
Transport and General Workers Union Tinplate Special Fund -
Tinplate souvenir notebook marking the centenary dinner.
Corus (British Steel), Port Talbot - Commemorative steel knife.
Carmarthen by pass- ribbon cutting scissors.
Pennal Church - engraved glass bowl
Machynlleth (National Library) -Engraved commemorative plate,
mug and trinket box.
The Arts Factory – Potted umbrella plant.
10 Membership/Chairmanship of
bodies in receipt of Assembly
I hold no office in such bodies. I am an individual member of a
number of organisations such as the National Trust, The YHA
(National Vice President for England & Wales) and honorary
posts to promote such bodies as the Cardiff Bay Business
Forum (Hon. President) and the Wales - North American
Business Forum.
Christine Humphreys Liberal Democrat (North Wales) - Resigned from the Assembly
Land & Property
Half interest in two properties: one in Colwyn Bay, the other in
Rod Richards Conservative (North Wales) - Resigned from the Assembly
5 Remuneration or other material
Occasional payment for writing newspaper articles. Occasional
payment for media contributions