FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
Approved by the FAW National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
1. Introduction 5
2. Procedure 6
3. Licensor 8
4. Applicant 11
5. Infrastructure Criteria 12
6. Personnel & Administrative Criteria 18
7. Legal Criteria 21
8. Financial Criteria 21
9. Appendices 23
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
Glossary of Terms
Note Definitions are also contained in the FAW’s “Articles of Association”, “Standing Orders” and “Regulations”
(including, without limitation, the Regulations for the Pyramid League System) and cross-references are noted
where appropriate.
AGM The League Annual General Meeting, which takes place at
the end of every football season.
Appeals Body The Appeals board appointed by the Licensor to deal with
an appeal by a Licence Applicant or the Licensor against a
decision of the First Instance Body.
Chief Executive Officer The senior employee of the Association
Core Process Minimum requirements that the Licensor has to put in place
for verification of compliance with the criteria described in
the Regulations as basis for the issuance of a Tier 2 Licence
to an applicant club.
Criteria Requirements to be fulfilled by the Licence Applicant.
Club Any club defined pursuant to FAW Rule 11.1.1., playing at
Tier 2 of the FAW Pyramid.
Cymru Premier The Cymru Premier is the body comprising clubs in Tier 1
of the FAW Pyramid.
Deadline for submissions The date by which the Licence Applicants must submit to
the Licensor, all documents and evidence in support of their
Application for a Tier 2 Licence.
Deadline for submission of the The date by which each Licensor requires Licence
application to the Licensor. Applicants to have submitted all relevant information for its
application for a Tier 2 Licence.
Event or Condition of major An event or condition is of major economic importance
economic importance if it is considered material to the financial statements of the
reporting entity and would require a different (adverse)
presentation of the results of the operations, financial
position and net assets of the reporting entity if it had
occurred during the preceding financial year or interim
FAW The Football Association of Wales
FAW National Leagues Board The FAW Board responsible for Levels 1-3 of the FAW
First Instance Body The board appointed by the Licensor to assess Licence
Applicants applications and decide whether or not to grant
the Licence Applicant a Tier 2 Licence.
Ground or Stadium Means the venue where the club will play its home matches
in domestic competitions including, but not limited to, all
properties and facilities near to such stadium (for example
offices, hospitality areas.)
Ground Criteria The infrastructure criteria for the ground set out in these
Regulations, as amended by the FAW from time to time.
Licence Applicant The club applying to the Licensor for assessment against
the Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations.
Licence Season FAW season for which a Licence Applicant has applied for /
been granted the FAW Tier 2 Licence. It starts the day
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
following the deadline for submission of the list of licensing
decisions to the FAW.
May Indicates a party’s discretion to do something (i.e. optional,
rather than mandatory).
Must or Shall Indicates an obligation to do something (i.e. mandatory).
Failure to do so will result in Tier 2 ground criteria
certification refusal.
Recommended This is a best-practice recommendation and therefore, not a
Tier 2 licence failure.
Significant Change An event that is considered material to the documentation
previously submitted to the Licensor and that would require
a different presentation if it had occurred prior to the
submission of the documentation.
Subsequent Events Events or conditions occurring after the Licensing decision.
Tier 2 The second tier of the FAW Pyramid.
Tier 2 Club Licence The licence granted by the relevant body for the Licence
Applicant to play in Tier 2 of the FAW Pyramid.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
1. Introduction
1.1 Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations
The Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations (“Regulations”) set out quality standards and procedures by which
clubs will be assessed as a basis for continuous improvement. It is a modern form of regulation.
The Football Association of Wales (FAW) approved the Tier 1 system on the 6
December 2005 and the FAW
Council has agreed the same criteria subjects as UEFA Licensing, which made its decision following a consultation
with a variety of bodies.
The objective of a uniform Tier 2 criteria was first published in the FAW’s Strategic Plan of 2012. The formation of
the new National Game Board in September 2014 became the catalyst for the introduction these Regulations.
Following a series of taskforce meetings and ground audits, the first version of the Tier 2 Regulations was written.
The National Game Board approved version 1 on 13
April 2015, which was ratified by FAW Council on 29
2015. Version 2 was approved on 1
September 2020.
Licensing requires that those clubs in membership of the Cymru North or Cymru South meet specific standards.
These standards are present in the form of criteria under four headings;
Personnel and Administration
The criteria are predominantly transparent and consistent with UEFA standards where necessary, and a great deal
of care and attention has been given to drafting these regulations. The focus has been on establishing a set of
quality standards for Welsh Football, which is attainable for clubs currently in the league and also for those who
have aspirations to join the league.
Licensing will have all the characteristics of a quality management system. The FAW’s management of the system
will be coherent with UEFA Licensing, which is annually subject to third party scrutiny by UEFA and assessed by
two independent bodies (First Instance Body and Appeals Body), in order to guarantee the transparency and
integrity of the system.
1.2 Benefits of Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations
The FAW sets the standards for Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations. By meeting these standards, football as
a whole is acknowledging its responsibility to the community at large. The auditing of these Regulations are a
transparent process that enables Licence Applicants to demonstrate to all their stakeholders that they meet quality
these standards.
Licensing will help to establish benchmarking information. Licence Applicants will be able to use this information to
establish their position and to plan future quality improvement.
FAW resources will be focused on assisting Licence Applicants to meet their standards. Football will benefit from
the adoption of quality management practices by the FAW.
These Regulations were adopted by the Football Association of Wales on the 25
July 2023 and come into for the
2024/25 season
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
2. Procedure
2.1 The Management of the System
The Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations will be managed by the FAW for Licence Applicants to Tier 2. The
system will comprise of audits conducted by the FAW and assessment by the Decision-Making Bodies.
In order to demonstrate that it meets the criteria, an Applicant will make available all necessary documentation
including, uploading relevant details to the FAW COMET system where necessary.
Applications will be considered by the Decision-Making Bodies, in accordance with these Regulations and the Core
In considering a non-Tier 2 club’s licence application, a non-Tier 2 Licence Applicant will be permitted to make
changes or further developments to their infrastructure criteria if they can evidence by 30
April that quotes,
planning permission approval (if required) and necessary finance are in place in order to complete the required
updates by a date to be agreed by FAW Licensing staff and at the discretion of the Decision
If current Tier 2 clubs require upgrading their current infrastructure after 30
April, then this can be permitted
provided that the club provides quotes, planning permission approval (if required) and necessary finance are in
place in order to complete the required upgrades to be agreed by the First Instance Body or the Appeals Body.
The decision to grant the Licence on the provision that additional infrastructure works will be completed after 30
April and before the new season is at the sole discretion of the respective First Instance Body or the Appeals Body.
Those clubs that meet the standards will be issued a Licence. Those clubs that have not fulfilled the minimum ‘A’
criteria will not be granted a Licence unless an extension has been granted by the First Instance Body or Appeals
Body to carry out any upgrades.
The list of Licence Applicants granted a Tier 2 Licence must be communicated by the FAW to the Leagues
concerned by 31
May. The deadline for the submission of the list of Licenced Clubs is set by the FAW and must
be strictly adhered to annually before the relevant League’s Annual General Meeting.
2.2 Tier 2 Club Licence Refusal
A Tier 2 Licence is mandatory for participation at Tier 2.
If an Applicant is refused a Tier 2 Licence by the First Instance Body, the following procedure will apply:
May 2024 An Applicant refused a Tier 2 Licence, must submit any appeal to the relevant
Club Licencing Manager within 10 days of being informed of the First Instance
Body’s decision. Appeals must be forwarded in writing for the attention of the
Club Licencing Manager together with the appropriate appeal fee as set out in
FAW Rule 43.2.3. The Appeals Body is notified, and a meeting date agreed.
May 2024 The Club Licencing Manager prepares a report and dispatches this to the
Appeals Body.
May 2024 The Appeals Body consider the Applicant’s appeal by 31
May each year. The
decision is made whether to grant a Tier 2 Licence or not. If a Tier 2 Licence is
granted, any area for future attention may be detailed. If a Tier 2 Licence is
refused, areas to be addressed must be detailed.
2.3 Criteria Graduation
The criteria described in these Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations are graded into three separate categories.
The different grades have been defined as follows:
‘A’ Criteria Mandatory
If the Licence Applicant does not fulfil any A-Criteria, then it cannot be granted a Tier 2 Licence unless the Decision-
Making Bodies grant an exemption (time limited to one season only) under 4.4 (2) of these Regulations.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
‘B’ Criteria Expected
If the Licence Applicant does not fulfil any B-Criteria, then it may still receive a Tier 2 Licence subject to the Licence
Applicant fulfilling the ‘A’ Criteria. However, repeated failure to meet these criteria may result in sanctions as
specified by the Decision-Making Bodies in accordance with 3.4 of these regulations.
‘C’ Criteria Recommended
If the Licence Applicant does fulfil any C-Criteria, then it may still receive a Tier 2 Licence. These criteria may
become ‘A’ or ‘B’ criteria in future licences or may be current requirements for a Tier 1 Licence; however, it is
suggested that Licence Applicants have these in place to support the overall development of the club.
2.4 Development
Licensing is a progressive system designed to deliver continuous improvement. Improvements will be introduced
as the system develops. The relevant FAW committee has the authority to review criteria and these
recommendations will be referred to the FAW Board for approval following a consultation process with various
bodies including the FAW National Leagues Board, the relevant leagues, and its clubs. The development process
will incorporate reasonable timescales and the Regulations will be reviewed on an annual basis.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
3. Licensor
3.1 Responsibilities of the Licensor
The Licensor is the Football Association of Wales (FAW). It governs the Men’s Tier 2 club licensing system.
The Licensor must:
establish an appropriate licensing administration as defined in 3.2;
establish at least two decision-making bodies as defined in 3.3;
set up a catalogue of sanctions as defined in 3.4;
defines the core process in accordance with 3.6;
assess the documentation submitted by the Licence Applicants, consider whether this is appropriate and
defines the assessment procedures as defined in 3.7;
ensure equal treatment of all Licence Applicants and guarantees them full confidentiality with regard to
all information provided during the licensing process as defined in 3.8;
determine to its comfortable satisfaction whether each criterion has been met and what further
information, if any, is needed for a Licence to be granted.
3.2 Licensing Administration
The Licensor must appoint a Licensing Manager who is responsible for the licensing administration. The
Licensing Manager should be educated as a minimum to degree level.
The tasks of the licensing administration include:
preparing, implementing, and further developing the club licensing system,
providing administrative support to the Decision-Making Bodies,
assisting, advising and monitoring the Licensees during the Licence season;
informing the FAW and UEFA of any event occurring after the licensing decision that constitutes a
Significant Change to the information previously submitted to the licensor, including a change of legal
form, legal group structure (including change of ownership) or identity;
serving as the contact point for and sharing expertise with the licensing departments of other UEFA
member associations and with UEFA itself.
At least one member of the licensing administration or an external financial expert must have a financial
background and a diploma in accountancy/auditing recognised by the ACCA (or a recognised equivalent) or must
have several years’ experience in the above matters (a “recognition of competence”).
3.3. Decision-Making Bodies
1. The Decision-Making Bodies are the First Instance Body and the Appeals Body, and they must be
independent of each other.
2. The First Instance Body decides on whether the Licence should be granted to an applicant on the basis of
the documents provided by the submission deadline set by the licensor and on whether the Licence should
be withdrawn.
3. The Appeals Body decides on appeals submitted in writing and makes a final decision on whether the
Licence should be granted or withdrawn. Should the Licence be granted, the Licence Applicants appeal fee
must be returned.
4. Appeals may only be lodged by:
a Licence Applicant who received a refusal from the First Instance Body;
a licensee whose Licence has been withdrawn by the First Instance Body; or;
the licensing manager on behalf of the licensor.
5. The Appeals Body makes its decision based on the decision of the First Instance Body and all the evidence
provided by the appellant with its written request for appeal and by the set deadline.
6. Members of the Decision-Making Bodies are selected by the Chief Executive of the Football Association of
Wales for a term of three years and must:
act impartially in the discharge of their duties;
abstain if there is any doubt as to their independence from the Licence Applicant or if there is a conflict of
interest. In this connection, the independence of a member may not be guaranteed if he or any member
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
of his family (spouse, child, parent or sibling) is a member, shareholder, business partner, sponsor or
consultant of the Licence Applicant;
not act simultaneously as Club Licensing Manager or a member of the licensing administration
not belong simultaneously to a judicial statutory body of the Licensor;
not belong simultaneously to the FAW Council of the FAW or its affiliated leagues or area associations;
not belong simultaneously to the personnel of an affiliated club;
7. Members of the decision-making bodies must not belong simultaneously either to the administrative staff or
to any statutory decision-making body or committee of the Football Association of Wales.
8. The quorum of the decision-making bodies is three members. In case of a tie, the chair has the casting vote.
9. The decision-making bodies must operate according to procedural rules to be defined by the licensor -
which are as follows;
The submission deadline for all documents in the first instance is 30
April 2024.
The Licensor, licensing experts and the Decision-Making Body members must all guarantee the principle
of equal treatment by annually signing forms of independence and confidentiality.
Licence Applicants may have legal representation at the First Instance Body or the Appeals Body
meeting, if seven days’ notice is provided in writing to the Licensor.
The Licence Applicant has the right to be heard at a decision-making body meeting, by either legal
representation as described in 9 c. or by the Club Chairman or his nominated deputy, if seven days’
notice must be provided in writing. The decision-making bodies also have the right to request that their
meeting is attended by a club representative.
The official language for all correspondence and meetings is English.
The Licensor is permitted to set time limits within the Core Process which guarantees feedback from the
licensing experts before the final submission deadline. (e.g., calculation, compliance, interruption,
A club has the right to submit an appeal in writing to the Licensing Manager within ten days as of the
date of the corresponded decision of the First Instance Body.
All deadlines are clearly defined within the Core Process in order to ensure that there are no delaying
effects to Competitions or to process.
The Licence Applicant may submit supplementary evidence to the Appeals Body.
The Licence Applicant has the burden of proof to the comfortable satisfaction of the Decision-Making
All decisions made by the First Instance Body and the Appeals Body must be confirmed in writing to the
relevant Licence Applicant on the same day as the decision was made. The only exception to this is
where a First Instance Body or Appeals Body are meeting over two days, in which case, all decisions will
be communicated on the second day.
Any complaint must be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer.
Content and form of pleading
Deliberation / hearings The decision-making bodies must consider all written and verbal evidence
provided by the Licence Applicants and the licensing experts. The decision-making bodies must
deliberate this evidence before providing the findings of the hearing.
Cost of procedure The cost of the Appeal shall be in accordance with FAW Rules 43.2.3.
3.4 Catalogue of Sanctions
1. To guarantee an appropriate assessment process, the FAW has set up a catalogue of sanctions for the club
licensing system for the non-respect of the criteria referred to as B criteria. It falls to the competent national
bodies to impose these sanctions on the Licence Applicants/Licensees.
2. The catalogue of sanctions are as follows;
A warning can be issued
For a second offence of the same criteria, the financial incentive for achieving the Licence can be
A suspended fine can be imposed
A fine of up to £10,000 can be imposed
The Licence can be withdrawn
A suspension from achieving a Licence can be imposed for the following Licence season.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
3. To guarantee an appropriate assessment process, the FAW must refer to the national disciplinary regulations
in respect of violations of other licensing regulations (e.g., submission of falsified documents, non-respect of
deadlines, sanctions against individuals, etc.).
3.5 Licensor’s Certification
1. The Licensor must be certified against the UEFA Club Licensing Quality Standard on an annual basis by an
independent body appointed by UEFA.
3.6 The Core Process
1. The Licensor has defined the core process for the verification of the Club Licensing Criteria and thus manage
the issuing of licences.
2. The core process starts on 8th September and ends on the submission of the list of licensing decisions to the
FAW administration by the deadline communicated by the latter.
3. The core process consists of the following minimum key steps:
Submission of the licensing documentation to the Licence Applicants;
Return of the licensing documentation to the Licensor;
Assessment of the documentation by the licensing administration;
Submission of the written representation letter to the Licensor;
Assessment and decision by the Decision-Making Bodies;
Submission of the List of Licensing Decisions to the FAW within seven days of each decision being final.
4. The deadlines for the above key process steps must be clearly defined and communicated to the clubs
concerned before the start of the core process by the licensor.
3.7 Assessment Procedures
1. The Licensor defines the assessment procedures, except those used to verify compliance with the defined
criteria for which specific assessment processes as set out in Annex J of Men’s Tier 1 Club Licensing
3.8 Equal Treatment and Confidentiality
1. The Licensor ensures equal treatment of all Licence Applicants during the core process.
2. The Licensor guarantees the Licence Applicants’ full confidentiality regarding all information submitted during
the licensing process. Anyone involved in the licensing process or selected/appointed by the Licensor must
sign a confidentiality agreement before assuming his tasks.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
4. Applicant
4.1 Definition of the Licence Applicant
1. An Applicant may only be a football club, i.e., a legal entity fully responsible for a football team participating in
FAW competitions which either:
a. Is a registered member of the Football Association of Wales and/or its affiliated league(s) (hereinafter:
registered member); or
b. Has a contractual relationship with a registered member.
4.2 General Responsibilities of the Licence Applicant
1. The Licence Applicant must provide the Licensor with:
a. All necessary information and/or relevant documents to fully demonstrate that the obligations are fulfilled;
b. Any other document relevant for decision making.
2. This includes information on the reporting entity/entities in respect of which information is required to be
provided to satisfy the Tier 2 Licensing criteria.
3. Any event occurring after the submission of the documentation to the FAW representing a Significant Change
to the information previously submitted must be promptly notified to the FAW.
4.3 FAW Men’s Tier 2 Licence Certification
1. Clubs which qualify for Tier 2 on sporting merit must obtain the Men’s Tier 2 Licence, issued by the FAW
according to the present regulations.
2. An FAW Men’s Tier 2 Licence expires without prior notice at the end of the season for which it was issued.
3. An FAW Men’s Tier 2 Licence cannot be transferred.
4. An FAW Men’s Tier 2 Licence may be withdrawn by the Decision-Making Bodies if:
a) Any of the conditions for the issuing of the Tier 2 Licence are no longer satisfied: or
b) The Licensee violates any of its obligations under these Regulations.
5. As soon as a Tier 2 Licence withdrawal is envisaged, the FAW administration must notify the Chief Executive
6. Any club playing in the Cymru North or Cymru South that fails to obtain renewal of its Licence for the next
season, shall be relegated from Cymru North or Cymru South at the end of the season in which the
unsuccessful allocation was made.
7. It shall cost £150.00 per club to apply for a Men’s Tier 2 Licence. This must be paid by the application deadline
stated in the Core Process. Clubs successfully granted a Licence by the First Instance Body shall have their
fee refunded.
4.4 Clubs outside of Tier 2
1. Clubs relegated from the Cymru Premier (Tier 1) on sporting merit or for failure to achieve the FAW Tier 1
Licence must meet the criteria of the FAW Men’s Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations. This will be assessed on
or before 30
April each year.
2. Should a club obtain a Men’s Tier 1 Licence but not be eligible to play in the Cymru Premier (i.e. because of
relegation from Tier 1 or not gaining promotion via sporting merit from Tier 2), the Men’s Tier 1 status shall be
conferred to the Cymru North or Cymru South, subject to the club achieving the relevant criteria for Tier 2.
3. Clubs seeking promotion into Tier 2 must meet all of the ‘A’ criteria as stated in these regulations on or before
the 30
April each year. An exception to the seating requirement is explained in criteria I.04 (3).
4. The above may be subject to the appeals process, as detailed in 3.3. (4).
5. Only clubs participating in the Cymru Premier, Cymru North, Cymru South, Ardal Northern leagues or Ardal
Southern leagues are permitted to apply for the Men’s Tier 2 Licence.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
5. Infrastructure Criteria
All A Criteria unless specifically defined as B Criteria or C Criteria
I.01 Stadium Safety Policy
1. The Licence Applicant must provide a Stadium Safety Policy which must include but is not limited to the
requirements of the document provided in Appendix II.
2. All documents submitted for the I.01 criteria must be signed by an authorised signatory of the Applicant, dated
and be no older than one year old.
I.03 Stadium Evacuation Plan
1. The Licence Applicant must provide a plan to evacuate the ground in the response to any contingencies which
arise, which must include but is not limited to the requirements of the document provided in Appendix II.
I.04 Approved Capacity Level
1. The Licence Applicant must have in place an approved capacity level, which is relevant and safe for all
competitions. The minimum capacity for Tier 2 Applicants is 750.
2. Tier 2 Applicants must have in place at least 250 covered seats, which are in compliance with criteria I.19.
3. Tier 3 Applicants must have in place at least 100 covered seats by the 30
April 2024, which are in compliance
with criteria I.19. The Licence Applicant must meet the full criteria of 250 covered seats by 30
April 2025, in
order to satisfy the seating requirements for Tier 2 criteria to remain in the league for the 2025/2026 season.
I.05 Public Access and Egress (C Criteria)
It is recommended that the Licence Applicant ensures the following is provided in the ground and the relevant
documents provided for the audit:
1. At least one entry point designed in such a way as to avoid congestion and ensure the smooth flow of the
2. All public passageways and stairways in the spectator areas should be painted in a bright colour, as must all
gates leading from the spectator areas into the playing area and all exit doors and gates leading out of the
3. All exit doors and gates in the ground, and all gates leading from the spectator areas into the playing area,
a. Be fitted with a locking device which may be operated simply and quickly by anyone from the inside in
the case of exit doors and gates or from either side in the case of gates leading into the playing area;
b. Be designed to remain unlocked while spectators are in the ground and;
c. Open outwards.
4. Approaches to the ground should be adequately signposted to guide spectators to their sectors, and all
turnstiles, entry and exit gates and doors should be operational and similarly clearly indicated by signs which
are universally understood. Commercial signage and signage within dressing rooms must also be on display.
5. The boundary wall/fence should be of sound solid construction, secure on all sides and designed to obscure
viewing from outside the ground. (Recommended height of boundary structure is 2 metres).
6. The Licence Applicant must submit a Layout Plan detailing all facilities within the ground (1:1000) and a Site
Plan showing the Access Routes into the Ground (1:1500)
I.06 Public Address System
1. The ground must be equipped with a public address system.
2. The public address system should cover both the inside and outside of the ground and be secured against
failures of the main power supply.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
I.08 Field of Play
1. The field of play must be smooth and level.
2. The stadium must be equipped with either a natural playing surface or football turf.
3. Football turf must be in accordance with the FAW Regulations for the use of Football Turf Pitches” and must
meet all the following conditions:
a. It must have been granted the required FIFA licence, which can only be delivered after the turf in question
has been tested by a FIFA-accredited laboratory, as meeting the FIFA quality standards for football turf;
b. It must meet all the requirements of the national legislation in force;
c. Its surface must be green and marked with white in accordance with the Laws of the Game. Any other
coloured lines must be masked out as set out in the “FAW Regulations for the use of Football Turf
4. The field of play must be equipped with a drainage system so that it cannot become unplayable due to flooding.
5. The field of play should be 105 metres long and 68 metres wide. If this is not possible due to ground constraints,
the minimum allowable is 98 metres long and 62 metres wide.
6. There must be a grass verge or alternatively artificial turf of the minimum width of 1.5 metres between the touch
line and the perimeter barrier. It is recommended that this distance is 3 metres.
7. Barriers or emergency gates must surround the perimeter of the pitch, except where permission has been
granted by the league for one, two or three of the sides or part thereof, to be closed by spectators in accordance
with criteria I.19 (5). The minimum height of the barriers and / or emergency gates must be in line with the
SGSA requirement of a minimum of 1.1 metres.
I.09 Warm-Up Area for Substitutes
A warm-up area for substitutes must be available along the touchlines, behind the advertising boards behind the
goal or on a separate area.
I.10 Goals and Spare Goals
1. Goalposts and crossbars must be made out of aluminium or similar material and must be round or elliptical.
Moreover, they must be in compliance with the Laws of the Game as promulgated by the International Football
Association Board (IFAB), which means, in particular, that:
the distance between the posts must be 7.32m;
the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground must be 2.44m;
the goalposts and crossbars must be white;
they must not pose any danger to players.
2. A spare goal, which can be easily installed if the circumstances so require, should be available within the
ground for league matches. (C Criteria)
I.11 Substitutes’ benches
1. The ground must be equipped with two covered benches at pitch level, each with seating room for at least 8
adults and positioned either side of the halfway line. The two benches must be on the same side as each other.
2. Any developments to substitutes benches, should increase capacity to 13 adults (C Criteria)
3. A technical area must be marked for each substitutes bench to define the area designated for team officials,
as per IFAB Laws of the Game.
I.12 Dressing Rooms
1. The ground must be equipped with:
A dressing-room for each team with a minimum of four showers, seating room for at least 18 people and
exclusive use, with private access to one individual seated toilet.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
A match officials dressing-room with a minimum of one shower, seating room for three people and
exclusive use to one individual seated toilet.
All rooms must be signposted, well lit, ventilated and/or heated.
2. Any new developments to the match officials’ dressing rooms should provide a provision for female match
officials. (C Criteria)
3. A ground must guarantee a safe access and egress for both teams and the match officials from their dressing-
rooms to the playing area and ensure their safe arrival at/departure from the ground. If deemed necessary, the
Licence Applicant will be required to submit a written policy in order to meet this criterion.
4. If It’s brought to the attention of the FAW that the changing rooms fall below the minimum hygiene & quality
standards required at any stage during the season, the following will take place:
a. An inspection must be carried out at the earliest opportunity.
b. The Licence Applicant must complete any facility improvements as advised by the FAW.
I.13 Match Day Office
The ground must be equipped with a match-day office with access to communication facilities such as minimum 3G
phone signal and/or internet connection, located nearby and with easy access to the team and match officials
dressing rooms.
I.14 Emergency Medical Room for Players and Officials
1. A defibrillator must be available at the ground.
2. The ground should be equipped with a dedicated room for first aid and medical treatment of players and
officials. The minimum equipment required is stated in Appendix III (C Criteria)
I.16 Floodlighting (C Criteria)
1. The ground must be equipped with floodlight installations.
2. The ground floodlight LUX levels must be in compliance with the following:
Achieve 250 lux when tested by an independent organisation.
Licence Applicants will have to provide a report stating the LUX value, which must be no more than three
years old, attaining a minimum of 250 LUX.
If the floodlights fall below 150 LUX, they must be upgraded to 250 LUX.
3. The FAW may at any time, request a 96-point lighting test to determine the current LUX levels of the floodlights.
4. For any Licence Applicants that have floodlights, and intend on using them during the season, they must supply
a valid LUX certificate (A Criteria)
I.17 Parking Areas
1. Parking space for a minimum of one bus and ten cars must be made available for the teams and match officials.
2. This parking area must:
a. Be located in a safe and secure area in the immediate vicinity of the players’ and match officials’ area.
b. Be of a secure footing. i.e., comprising of concrete, tarmac, gravel or stone. (B Criteria)
3. In addition, there should be a minimum of 10 parking spaces available for VIP’s and / or FAW staff in a safe
and secure area.
I.18 Refreshment Facilities
1. Licence Applicants must provide players and match officials with food and drink after the game. This facility
can be located off-site.
2. The ground must be equipped with refreshment and catering facilities for all spectators during the game.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
I.19 Stands and Spectator Facilities
1. Seats for spectators must be individual, fixed (e.g. to the floor), separated from one another, shaped, made of
an unbreakable and non-flammable material and have a backrest of a minimum height of 30 cm when
measured from the seat.
a. The use of temporary stands is prohibited.
b. Bench seating of any description is prohibited.
2. If It’s brought to the attention of the FAW that the spectator stands fall below the minimum quality and safety
standards required at any stage during the season, the following will take place:
a. An inspection must be carried out at the earliest opportunity.
b. The Licence Applicant must complete any facility improvements as advised by the FAW.
3. There must be hardstanding surrounding one full length and one full width of the field, comprising of concrete,
paving stones or tarmac;
Hardstanding of a temporary nature is not permitted.
4. All mandatory spectator areas must be accessed by hardstanding.
5. It is recommended for spectators to be accommodated, either standing or seated, along the full length of all
four sides of the playing area, except where permission has been granted by the FAW for one of the sides or
part thereof, to be closed to spectators. (C Criteria)
6. It is recommended that hardstanding surrounds the whole of the field of play. Where the ground is part of a
larger sports complex, the football area must be totally enclosed from all other activities. (C Criteria)
7. It should be possible, if whenever necessary, to prevent spectators from moving from one sector or sub-sector
to another, except as part of the ground’s evacuation process. (C Criteria)
I.20 Visiting Supporters
1. At least 5% of the total ground capacity must be available exclusively for visiting supporters, and where
necessary, in a segregated area of the ground.
2. Segregation requirements at specific matches shall be decided by the FAW in liaison with the local authorities
I.21 Emergency Lighting (C Criteria)
1. For the purpose of ensuring safety and guiding spectators & staff, any ground with floodlights (that permits
evening matches to be played) must be equipped with an emergency lighting system, for use in the event of
a general ground lighting failure.
The emergency lighting system must be approved by a competent person / local authority.
Emergency lighting must be available on at least one side of the field of play to which the public or
staff have access including all egress and evacuation routes.
If emergency lighting is only available on one side of the ground, only this side of the ground is
permitted to be open at an evening match. This must be reflected in the document used to satisfy I.01
2. For any Licence Applicants that have floodlights, and intend on using them during the season, they must supply
a valid Emergency Lighting Certificate (A Criteria)
I.22 Sanitary Facilities
1. Sufficient clean and hygienic sanitary facilities must be distributed evenly throughout all sectors of the ground
for male and female spectators. Toilets designated for females, or unisex facilities must have a sanitary bin.
Toilets and urinals must be equipped with flushers. Sinks and amenities such as toilet paper and soap must be
2. The recommended requirement for sanitary facilities are the following, based on an 80:20 ratio of male and
female: (C Criteria)
Based on 750 Capacity as per Regulation I.04
a) 1 seated toilet per 250 males (3 seated toilets for males)
b) 1 urinal per 125 males; (5 urinals for males)
c) 1 seated toilet per 125 females (2 seated toilets for females)
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
I.24 Facilities for Spectators with Disabilities
1. Licence Applicants, in consultation with a local disability group (e.g. Level Playing Field) or an appropriate self-
assessment, shall have undertaken a review of its own procedures with regard to the level of service it provides
for spectators with disabilities.
2. The ground should have dedicated access and seats for spectators with disabilities and their helpers. (C
3. The ground should have dedicated sanitary facilities for spectators with disabilities as well as refreshment and
catering facilities nearby. (C Criteria)
4. One disabled toilet should be available for every 15 wheelchair users. (C Criteria)
I.25 Ground Regulations
1. The Licence Applicant must arrange to have its Ground Regulations fixed in suitable areas of the ground in
such a way that the spectators can read them.
2. Ground Regulations should at least provide information on; admission rights, abandonment and postponement
of events, a description of prohibitions and penalties such as entering the field of play, throwing objects, use of
foul and abusive language, racist behaviour, restrictions with regard to alcohol, fireworks, flares, banners,
seating rules and causes for ejection from the ground.
N.B. Where tickets are issued, the Ground Regulations should be clearly detailed on the ticket.
I.26 VIP Hospitality Areas
1. A ground must identify at least 10 VIP seats, which includes five for the visiting team officials.
2. A hospitality area must be provided for VIP’s and for the visiting team officials.
I.27 Media Working Area (C Criteria)
1. At least one room equipped with desks, power supply and phone/internet connections should be provided for
media representatives.
I.28 Camera Requirements and Positions (C Criteria)
1. A television gantry should be provided to meet the broadcasters requirements as set out in the FAW Tier 1
Club Licensing Regulations.
I.29 Press Box
1. The press box should be covered and centrally located in the main grandstand. They should have an
unobstructed view of the entire playing area and easy access to the other media areas.
2. The desks must be fixed and big enough to accommodate a laptop computer and a notepad.
3. There must be 10 covered seats, 5 of which should be equipped with desks.
4. In the press box, it is recommended that all seats with desks should be equipped with a power supply and
phone or internet connections (C Criteria)
I.30 TV and Radio Commentary Positions (C Criteria)
1. One covered radio position should be identified.
2. Each identified commentary position must have at least three seats.
I.31 Presentation and Post Match Interview Area (C Criteria)
1. The ground must provide a dedicated post-match interview area, with relevant backboard. The location must
be as close as possible to the dressing room area and the facility must be approved by the host broadcaster.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
I.32 OB Van Parking Area (C Criteria)
1. The ground should have hardstanding parking facilities to accommodate the host broadcaster OB Unit in the
immediate vicinity. The surface dimension of the area must be at least 100m
Please note, If it’s brought to the attention of the FAW that the ground falls below the minimum standard
required at any stage during the season, the following will take place:
a. An inspection must be carried out at the earliest opportunity.
b. The Licence Applicant must complete any facility improvements as advised by the FAW.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
6. Personnel and Administrative Criteria.
Please note that all individuals listed from P.01 to P.14 below must attend all relevant workshops, organised by
the FAW from time to time.
All A Criteria unless specifically defined as B Criteria or C Criteria
P.01 Club Secretary or General Manager
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed a Club Secretary or General Manager who is responsible for
running its operative matters.
2. The Club Secretary or General Manager must be duly registered on COMET.
P.02 Finance Officer or Club Treasurer
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed a qualified Finance Officer or Club Treasurer who is responsible
for running its financial matters.
2. The Finance Officer must hold as a minimum one of the following:
Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales;
Certified Accountant; ACCA, (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) AAT (Association of
Accounting Technicians), ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England or Wales) or CIMA
(Chartered Institute of Management Accountants);
Finance Officer qualification, issued by the Licensor or by an organisation recognised by the Licensor;
A ‘Recognition of Competence’, based on relevant practical experience, reviewed by the FAW Financial
Expert, and issued by the Licensor.
3. The Finance Officer or Club Treasurer must be duly registered on COMET.
P.03 Media Officer & Media Output
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed a qualified Media Officer who is responsible for running its media
2. The Media Officer must hold as a minimum one of the following:
Nationally recognised qualification in journalism, media or marketing;
Media Officer qualification issued by the Licensor or by an organisation recognised by the Licensor;
A ‘Recognition of Competence’, based on relevant practical experience, reviewed by the FAW
Communications Officer and issued by the Licensor.
3. The Media Officer must be duly registered on COMET.
4. The Licence Applicant must have the following media channels;
Official club website;
Official social media (e.g. Facebook or Twitter)
P.05 First Aid Officer
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed at least one First Aid Officer who is responsible for the medical
treatment, massages and rehabilitation of first team squad members.
2. The First Aid Officer must hold one of the following minimum qualifications:
First Responder for Sport (FRS) FAW Level 2 Sport First Aid;
Any equivalent award, as approved by the FAW Medical Officer.
3. For existing Tier 3 applicants, the FAW First Aid Award, as per the FAW Tier 3 Club Licensing Regulations is
acceptable, provided that the nominated First Aid Officer attends the first available FRS course, should the
club be promoted to Tier 2.
4. The First Aid Officer will be responsible for managing first aid relating to spectators.
5. The First Aid Officer must attend all matches. A replacement can be appointed if they meet the required
qualifications or if they have a similar qualification, approved by the Licensor.
6. The First Aid Officer must be duly registered on COMET and hold a valid FAW enhanced DBS certificate.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
P.09 First Team Manager
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed a qualified First Team Manager who is responsible for the
following matters of the first team squad:
Players’ selection;
Tactics and training;
Management of the players and technical staff in the dressing room and the technical area before;
during and after matches;
Duties regarding media matters (press conferences, interviews etc)
2. The First Team Manager must hold one of the following minimum coaching qualifications, issued by a UEFA
member association in accordance with the UEFA Coaching Convention:
Valid UEFA ‘B’ coaching licence;
Valid non-UEFA coaching diploma which is equivalent to the one required under a. above and
recognised by UEFA as such;
Be actively engaged on the required UEFA coaching diploma course as described under a. or b.
above as applicable. Simple registration for the required diploma course is not sufficient to meet this
3. The First Team Manager must attend at least 70% of all Tier 2 league matches per season since their
4. Should the Licence Applicant appoint joint First Team Managers, both individuals must meet the P.09
5. The First Team Manager must not also hold the role of P.05 First Aid Officer.
6. The First Team Manager should not hold any other dual roles within the club. (C Criteria)
7. The First Team Manager must be duly registered on COMET.
8. If the Decision-Making Body is of the view that the First Team Manager has been appointed only to meet the
criteria stated in P.09, the Decision-Making Body has the right to refuse the Licence.
P.10 First Team Assistant Manager
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed a qualified First Team Assistant Manager who assists the First
Team Manager in all football matters of the first team squad.
2. The First Team Assistant Manager must hold one of the following minimum coaching qualifications, issued by
a UEFA member association, in accordance with the UEFA Coaching Convention:
Valid FAW ‘C’ certificate;
Valid UEFA ‘C’ coaching licence;
Valid non-UEFA coaching diploma which is equivalent to the one required under a. or b. above, as
Be actively engaged on the required UEFA coaching diploma course as described under a. or b.
above as applicable. Simple registration for the required diploma course is not sufficient to meet this
3. The First Team Assistant Manager must have a UEFA ‘C’ coaching licence, instead of the FAW ‘C’ certificate
for the licence season 2025/2026.
4. The First Team Assistant Manager must attend at least 70% of all Tier 2 league matches per season since
their appointment.
5. The First Team Assistant Manager must be duly registered on COMET.
6. If the Decision-Making Body is of the view that the First Team Assistant Manager has been appointed only to
meet the criteria stated within P.10, the decision-making Body has the right to refuse the Licence.
P.14 Safeguarding Officer
1. The Licence Applicant must ensure that they appoint a Safeguarding Officer who is responsible for
Safeguarding matters of the club.
2. The Safeguarding Officer must be duly registered on COMET.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
3. The Safeguarding Officer must hold a valid FAW Safeguarding Award.
4. The Safeguarding Officer must have undertaken the necessary vetting checks and hold a valid FAW
enhanced DBS certificate.
5. The Safeguarding Officer must ensure that the Licence Applicant adopts, implements, and applies the FAW
Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Practices.
6. The Safeguarding Officer must develop and promote best practice; ensuring Licence Applicant personnel
understand and fulfil their responsibilities.
7. The Safeguarding Officer is responsible for recording and reporting any concerns that may arise.
P.15 Stewarding
1. The Licence Applicant must have engaged stewards to ensure safety and security at home matches.
2. The Licence Applicant must have established a Stewarding Policy applicable to their stadium and needs.
P.17 Duty to Notify Significant Changes (B Criteria)
Any event occurring after the submission of the licensing documentation to the Licensor representing a
‘Significant Change’ compared to information previously submitted and related to all Personnel ‘A’ Criteria, must
be notified to the Licensor, in writing, within the fixed deadline of ten workings days.
P.18 Duty of Replacement During the Season (B Criteria)
1. If a function defined in the criteria P.01 to P.14 becomes vacant during the licence season, the Licensee must
ensure that, within a period of a maximum of 60 days, the function is taken over by someone who holds the
required qualification. For the avoidance of doubt, consideration will be given solely the club’s first
appointment, when determining whether or not the club satisfies this criterion.
2. In the event that a function becomes vacant due to illness or accident, the Licensor may grant an extension
to the 60-day period only if reasonably satisfied that the person concerned is medically unfit to resume their
3. The Licensee must promptly notify the Licensor, in writing, of any such replacement.
P.24 Club Referee’s (B Criteria)
1. Each club shall appoint and have registered with the FAW, one qualified referee. This individual will be a
nominated Club Referee and should be available to referee matches in the FAW Reserve or Youth
Competitions when no independent referee is available to officiate.
2. The Club Referee cannot be registered with more than one club as a Club Referee.
3. To assist clubs in achieving this criterion, the FAW will allow clubs to send two individuals on a FAW
refereeing course, free of charge, during the 2023/24 season.
Please note, that this Club Referee criterion will be a B Criteria for the 2024/25 season. For the 2025/2026
season, this will become mandatory A Criteria.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
8. Legal Criteria
All A criteria
L.02 Minimum Legal Information
1. The Licence Applicant must submit at least the following minimum legal information about the Licence
Legal name
Correspondence address
Legal status
Copy of its current, valid statues and/or club constitution
List of authorised signatories
Type of required signature (e.g., Individual, collective)
L.06 Stadium for FAW Competitions
1. The Licence Applicant must have a stadium available for FAW club competitions which must be within the
territory of the FAW and approved by the FAW.
a. Pre-existing agreement between clubs and the FAW regarding territory are also acceptable.
5. If the Licence Applicant is not the owner of the stadium, it must confirm the name of the owner and provide a
written contract with the owner(s) of the stadium(s) it will use.
6. It must be guaranteed that the stadium(s) can be used for the Licence Applicant’s home matches during the
licence season. The Licence Applicant must confirm there are no other agreements which may affect its ability
to use any part of the stadium(s) for the Licence Applicant’s home matches during the licence season. Any
agreements which may affect its use must be provided.
7. The stadium(s) must fulfil the minimum ‘A’ infrastructure requirements as defined in the FAW Tier 2 Club
Licensing Regulations.
9. Financial Criteria
All B criteria unless specifically stated as C Criteria
F.01 Annual Financial Statements (B Criteria)
1. The Licence Applicant must prepare and submit, by the date communicated by the Licensor, an annual
financial statement for the reporting period ending in the year, preceding the deadline for submission of the
application to the Licensor and preceding the deadline for submission of the list of licensing decision to the
2. Annual financial statements, must be prepared in accordance with national accounting standards (as
applicable) and must include:
A profit and loss account/income statement for the reporting period
A balance sheet as at the end of the reporting period (C Criteria)
A cash flow statement for the reporting period (C Criteria)
A financial review by management (C Criteria)
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
The Association’s point of contact is -
Mr Ian Fisher
Club Licensing Manager
Mr Thomas Stiley
Club Licensing Executive
Alternative Contact:
Mr. Dewi Evans
General Manager
JD Cymru North
Mrs Catrin Lewis
General Manager
JD Cymru South
The Football Association of Wales, Hensol, Pontyclun, CF72 8JY.
FAW representatives involved are subject to confidentiality and independence agreements.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
a. Friday, 8 September 2023
i. Sunday, 31 December 2023
k. January April 2024
m. Friday, 1 March 2024
o. Monday, 22 April to Tuesday,
30 April 2024
s. Tuesday, 30 April 2024
u. Tuesday, 7 May 2024
w. Wednesday, 8 May 2024
aa. Saturday, 18 May 2024
cc. Tuesday, 21 May 2024
ee. Friday, 31 May 2024
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
I.01. Stadium Policy
The Club has agreed the following Safety Policy, which includes all of the Compliance as listed in FAW Tier 2
Licensing Regulation I.03.
Spectators Access into the Ground
The club has [_____] Turnstiles, which are designed in such a way as to avoid congestion and ensure the smooth
flow of the crowd.
Or (And delete as appropriate)
Club has alternative entry to the Ground such as; secure door which allows a safe route and access.
It is / is not possible to segregate spectators when accessing the Ground.
Public Passageways
It is recommended that all public passageways and stairways in the spectator areas are painted in a bright colour,
as must all gates leading from the spectator areas into the playing area and all exit doors and gates leading out of
the Ground.
Exit Doors / Gates
It is Recommended that all exit doors and gates in the Ground, and all gates leading from the spectator areas into
the playing area, should:
a) Be fitted with a locking device which may be operated simply and quickly by anyone from the inside
in the case of exit doors and gates or from either side in the case of gates leading into the playing
b) Be designed to remain unlocked while spectators are in the Ground.
The sign-posting of ingress and egress routes, all exit gates/doors, toilets, refreshments and other facilities, shall
be maintained at all times.
Policy for Players, Officials and Spectators
The procedure for Players, Officials and Spectators when entering the Ground is as follows:
Policy for Players
(should include parking, entrance to the Ground and any safety provision)
Policy for Officials
(should include parking, entrance to the Ground and any safety provision)
Policy for Spectators
(should include parking, entrance to the Ground and any safety provision)
A policy must be in place and adhered to, if there is need for segregation.
Boundary wall/fence
If applicable, the Ground boundary wall or fence should be made of a sound solid construction, secure on all sides
and designed to obscure viewing from outside the Ground. It is Recommended that the height of boundary structure
is 2 metres and any further developments should take note of this.
Layout Plan and Site Plan
The Club should maintain a Layout Plan of the Ground, detailing all facilities within the Ground (1:1000). The club
should also maintain a Site Plan showing the Access Routes in to the Ground (1:1500). This can be by way of
ordnance survey map or Google Map.
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
Contact details of medical personnel available on the day at the Ground:
Postcode of the Ground and any specific instructions to give the emergency services:
Addresses of the nearest hospitals, including travel time and phone number:
Location of first aid equipment available at the Stadium including defibrillator:
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
I.03. Evacuation Plan
The plan is designed to cope with any emergency irrespective of how, where or when it occurs, and for this
reason the Plan must retain a degree of flexibility.
EX = Emergency Exit
G = Exit Gates
= Routes
This document has been agreed by the Club Committee / Board of Directors at their meeting held on
_________________________ .
Signed: - _________________________________ Position: ______________
Date: - _________________________________
FAW Tier 2 Club Licensing Regulations Approved by National League’s Board on 25
July 2023
The ground should be equipped with a dedicated room for first aid and medical treatment of players and officials.
The minimum equipment expected is;
1 Examination Table
1 Portable Stretcher
1 Washbasin
1 Medicine Cabinet
2 Ice Bags
1 Blood pressure gauge
1 Oxygen Bottle with mask
1 Defibrillator
Access to a telephone is also required at all times when the ground is in use.