Use and Evaluation
of Presentation Software
Meinald T. Thielsch & Isabel Perabo
University of Münster
PD Dr. Meinald T. Thielsch, E-mail: [email protected], http://www.meinald.de
First published in Technical Communication in May 2012 by the Society for Technical
Communication. Please cite this paper as:
Thielsch, M. T. & Perabo, I. (2012). Use and evaluation of presentation software. Technical
Communication, 59 (2), 112-123.
Purpose: Although computer-based presentations are nowadays an expected standard,
empirical research on them is still surprisingly rare: Little knowledge exists about
general attitudes toward presentation software or users’ functional demands other than
editing texts and images. Therefore, we focus in our explorative study on users’
handling and evaluation of such software, including a comparison between educational
and business users.
Method: A total of 1014 participants (51% female, 49% male) took part in a web-based study.
Among them were 444 students and 570 employees from different fields. The online
questionnaire consisted of 67 questions in three parts and was based on the current
literature and ratings of five experts.
Results: Our results show a strong preference for using Microsoft PowerPoint, which led to
rather satisfied users. Computer-based presentations are mainly used in educational
settings, talks, and meetings. Differences between students and employees were
identified, with the latter showing a broader use. Furthermore, independent of
occupation, participants stressed the importance of usability aspects such as ease of
use, compatibility, or loading speed; however, they equally desired more creativity in
computer-based presentations and better speakers.
Conclusions: The process of slide generation seems to be patchwork, and a large amount of
time is spent on design and animation; thus we recommend measures to reduce the
time spent on matters of visual style. In addition, current presentation software still
suffers from several usability issues. Generally, the central function of the speaker and
the supporting role of the presentation software are to be stressed.
Keywords: presentation software, computer-based presentations, PowerPoint, usage,
Microsoft PowerPoint is the market leader, but software like Microsoft Excel or
Adobe Acrobat are widely used as well.
Presentation software is used mostly in educational and business settings.
Students and employees differ in occasion of usage, creation, and use of slides.
Nevertheless they show the same needs and functional demands.
Because a lot of time is spent on design and animation, well designed and user-
friendly templates are needed.
Current presentation software suffers from several usability issues.
The speaker’s role for a well perceived presentation is to be stressed.
Do you remember the last time you saw a computer-based presentation? You probably
attended one not too long ago; maybe you attended to one today. Over the past few years,
computer-based presentations have become an almost daily means of sharing information.
Millions of people work with presentation software and even more listen to presentations with
digital slides. This “new” form of communication—the combination of mostly visual
computer-based elements with speech, gestures, and the speaker’s performance—has rapidly
spread over the last two decades. Overhead transparencies were used until the late 1990s,
when software and hardware supporting video projections became popular (see Gaskins,
Presently, computer-based presentations are a widespread standard and expected in
most presentation situations. For many years, Microsoft has led the market with its program
PowerPoint. Zongker and Salesin (2003) estimated a market share of 95% in 2003, and a
Forrester study (Montalbano, 2009) widely confirmed this number, stating that only 8% of
enterprise customers use alternative products. Journalists estimated an occurrence of 30
million PowerPoint presentations every day (e.g., Parker, 2001; Simons, 2004) and use of
more than 400 million copies of Microsoft PowerPoint (Simons, 2004). However, no
empirical data or validation proves these numbers by Microsoft. Countless guidebooks,
articles, and essays provide advice on how to create computer-based presentations, sharing
opinions or telling stories about presentation experiences.
Surprisingly, empirical research about computer-based presentations is still rare
(excluding approaches in educational science; see below), and much of the nonempirical work
is of limited value (Farkas, 2006). To the extent that presentation software—especially
Microsoft PowerPoint—is widespread, so too is the diversity of the opinions concerning its
benefits. Thus, the aim of our study is to ask the users what they think about presentation
which software they are using,
how they create and use slides, and
which functional demands they have.
Research and Critics on Computer-Based Presentations
Computer-based presentations evoke wide-ranging and ongoing discussions,
especially in the field of education. Several studies in this area address students’ reactions to
PowerPoint and students’ preferences (e.g., Apperson, Laws, & Scepansky, 2008; Burke &
James, 2008; Burke, James, & Ahmadi, 2009) or academic performance and recall (e.g.,
Amare, 2006; Bartsch & Cobern, 2003; Lowry, 1999; Sugahara & Boland, 2006; Szabo &
Hastings, 2000), giving advice on how to design PowerPoint slides (e.g., Garner, Alley,
Gaudelli, & Zappe, 2009; Jones, 2003; Murphy, 2004) or discussing general teaching issues
(e.g., Craig & Amernic, 2006; Levasseur & Sawyer, 2006). Thus far, this research has not led
to a clear conclusion. Although students like to be taught with PowerPoint (e.g., Susskind,
2005; Szabo & Hastings, 2000), the results regarding its effectiveness for learning and
teaching are inconsistent, sometimes demonstrating positive and sometimes negative effects
(for an overview, see Lavasseur & Sawyer, 2006).
Furthermore, critics of computer-based presentations are generally afraid of adverse
effects on communication behavior and oversimplification of information in presentations
(Clarke, 2001; Nunberg, 1999), where visual effects might take the place of well founded
arguments (Gates, 2002). The sharpest criticism comes from Tufte (2003, 2006), who
criticized users for presenting too little information in too few words and blamed PowerPoint
for cultivating this mode of presentation. He argued that PowerPoint is format oriented rather
than content oriented, resulting in simple bullet lists instead of causal analysis or analytical
structures of decision making. A problem with this fundamental criticism is the lack of
empirical foundation (excluding a first case study approach by Stark & Paravel, 2008). But
this sort of criticism has further stimulated discussions about the way we present information
with computer-based tools. As a result of this discussion, Kaplan (2011) stressed the role of
PowerPoint in a company’s strategy and its important part in organizational culture and social
interaction between coworkers. Still, little empirical research has focused on this special form
of human–computer interaction.
Research on Presentation Software and Its Use
However, we must recognize first approaches in analyzing the relationship between
presentation software and its users: From the perspective of information technology adoption
in education contexts, Hu, Clark, and Ma (2003) analyzed the acceptance of Microsoft
PowerPoint among schoolteachers. They found that acceptance of this presentation software
is influenced primarily by its perceived usefulness, as well as indirectly by job relevance and
perceived ease of use. In this study, the perceived usefulness of the software was rated only
medium, and this perception was surprisingly minimally elevated by a 4-week training
program on Microsoft PowerPoint.
Farkas (2005) approached this topic by identifying and discussing theoretical general
content principles of PowerPoint slides and problems related to presenters’ behavior. He
criticized an overload of text and reasons that this stems from the presenters’ fear of forgetting
their words. In a later publication, Farkas (2006) proposed several additional evaluative
criteria for presentation slide design and content inspection including status, style, and skills
of the presenter. Farkas introduced a wide scope approach, which analyzed context factors
and everything from content to presenters’ attributes. Due to the amount and diversity of
relevant variables, an empirical investigation following Farkas can only be done step-by-step.
Thielsch, Nikolaeva, and Förster (2006) tried to close the issues proposed by Farkas by
conducting a group discussion with presentation experts and an online study among
PowerPoint users. Besides some usability issues, this study identifies problems with
unexperienced users (as mentioned by Farkas [2006]) and the implementation of corporate
design issues in PowerPoint presentations. In another approach, Spicer and Kelliher (2009)
evaluated via a survey and semi-structured interviews how presenters author, practice, and
deliver presentations. Both studies (Spicer & Kelliher; Thielsch et al.) arrived at similar
results regarding authoring and giving presentations. On average, presentations contained 20
to 25 slides, and participants in these studies stated that typical presentations lasted
approximately 30 minutes. Farkas (2009) discussed several mediating effects influencing the
authoring of a PowerPoint presentation. In this work, he distinguished between design choices
in creating a presentation and mediation effects caused by a presentation software itself, like
inflexible linearity caused by the slide metaphor of PowerPoint.
Furthermore, in a very specific approach, Mackiewicz (2007a) evaluated users’
reactions to different fonts in PowerPoint presentations and users’ perceptions of clarity and
attractiveness of graph slides (Mackiewicz, 2007b). She found no differences between sans
serif and serif fonts and provided some practical advice on fonts that were evaluated as best
with respect to perceived readability, professionalism, interestingness, and attractiveness.
Mackiewicz (2007b) made recommendations for color and graph designs based on a study
with 37 participants who favored cool colors and 2D rather than 3D graphs.
However, apart from such first approaches and some very specific studies conducted
for the development of new presentation software (e.g., Lichtschlag, Karrer, & Borchers,
2009), empirical investigations of presentation software and oral presentations with computer-
based slides remain rare.
Aim of the Current Study
This lack of empirical research leads to the approach of the current study. Research in
this domain has aimed mostly at matters of learning and instruction (see above) or at analyses
of slides used and advice for creating presentations (e.g., Apperson et al., 2008; Jones, 2003;
Mackiewicz, 2007a, 2007b; Murphy, 2004). Besides a general preference of students for
Microsoft PowerPoint in learning situations, very little is known about general user attitudes
toward presentation software, typical tasks users perform, or their functional demands beyond
editing texts and images. Thus, the present study focuses on users’ evaluations of and their
work with presentation software.
Our first aim was to explore which software is used at which occasions and how
satisfied users are. Microsoft PowerPoint seems to be an unchallenged market leader, but
from our experience, other software products—some of them not designed originally to be
used as presentation software (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat)—are used as well.
Second, we wanted to investigate how users create und use computer-based presentations.
Our third aim was to explore what functional needs users have and what they think is missing
in common presentation software. Moreover, we wanted to examine business and academic
populations to compare differences and similarities between the use of and needs of
presentation software in these two groups. We hope this information will help us to
understand better to which extent results from studies in educational settings could be
transferred into the business world.
The study was announced as a survey among users of presentation software. A total of
1014 volunteers participated anonymously in this study, 519 (51%) were female and 495
(49%) were male. Age ranged from 15 to 73 years (M = 29.50; SD = 8.96). Participants’
occupation could be divided into two groups: 444 students (80% university, 13% high school,
7% vocational school) and 570 employees (largest subgroups—18% commercial; 13%
information technology; 11% media; 11% science; 10% consulting; 8% healthcare; 6%
Potential participants were invited to participate via a German online panel and by e-
mail, which they were asked to forward further (snowball technique). Participants did not
receive any compensation for completing the study.
Measures and Procedure
The survey used in this study was based on recent literature and our former research
on usability of presentation software (Thielsch et al., 2006). The initial set of items was
independently checked for completeness, quality, and comprehensibility by five experts in the
domain of presentation software (researchers as well as developers and designers). The final
web-based questionnaire consisted of 67 questions that were divided in three parts and are
described in figure 1.
Figure 1. Components of the questionnaire used in our study
Part 1: Use and evaluation of presentation software
At what occasions is presentation software used?
Which presentation software is generally used?
Which presentation software is used most often?
How many years have participants used presentation software?
How many times per month do they use presentation software?
How satisfied are participants with the most often used presentation software?
Part 2: Tasks and user behavior
Portion of preparation time used for content, design, animation, and other activities
Ways of creation and work on presentations, for example working with colleagues,
creating handouts or PDFs (asked aspects can be found in Table 2)
Part 3: Functional demands on presentation software
Importance of different properties of presentation software, for example loading
speed, printout, or animation effects (asked aspects can be found in Table 3)
Evaluation of the most used software product with regard to these properties
What are possible improvements of common presentation software? [open-ended
What is missing in computer-based presentations from an audience point of view?
[open-ended question]
In the first part of the survey, after providing demographic information, participants
answered general questions regarding their use and their evaluation of presentation software.
In the second part, they answered questions about user behavior and typical tasks performed
in presentation software. The third part of the survey contained questions regarding five
properties of and 17 functional demands placed on presentation software beyond the pure
presentation of text, tables, and images. Participants were also asked to rate their most
frequently used software regarding these aspects. At the end, participants had the opportunity
to provide suggestions for presentation software in two open-ended questions.
Use and Evaluation of Presentation Software
When asked about occasions for use, participants described a broad range of
presentation software usage (see Table 1). Overall, presentation software was reported to be
used most frequently in education and teaching, followed by talks and meetings. Whereas
employee’s use of presentation software was equal in both areas mentioned, students differ
greatly in their uses. As one might expect, students showed the highest use in educational
contexts and much fewer use in talks and meetings, which were named third after private
occasions. Regarding employees, about one-third used presentation software for company or
product presentations during conferences, trade fairs, and private occasions. Overall, students
and employees used computer-based presentations at different occasions: Both groups showed
significant differences in all areas of usage (7.01
148.02; df = 1, N = 1014, p < .01)
except for entertainment (
(1, 1014)
= 1.11, p = .32). Thus, only entertainment purposes were
equally high among students and employees.
Table 1. Occasions where presentation software is used
(n = 570)
(n = 444)
(N = 1014)
Education and teaching
Talks and meetings
Private occasions
(for example, ceremonies)
Company presentations
Conferences and trade fairs
Product presentations
Note: All values rounded to nearest whole number. Multiple answers were possible.
When asked which programs they used in particular for presentations, participants named
Microsoft PowerPoint (96%), followed by Microsoft Excel (33%) and Adobe Acrobat (29%).
Other presentation software, like Keynote or OpenOffice.org Impress, were mentioned by
approximately 10% of the participants. This picture changed when participants were asked to
state which software they use most for presentations. For that question, Microsoft PowerPoint
was named by 83% of the participants, while no other software reached values higher than
4%. Small differences existed for program use, depending on whether the participant was an
employee or a student: Employees tended to use a slightly broader range of software products,
whereas students relied mostly on PowerPoint (
(1, 1014)
= 7.73, p < .01).
Participants reported having used presentation software for an average of 6.5 years (M
= 6.44, SD = 3.81) and, on average, nearly six times per month (M = 5.85, SD = 9.30). We
asked about the participants’ satisfaction with the most used presentation software using on a
seven-point Likert scale ranging from ”very unsatisfied” (1) to ”very satisfied” (7).
Participants reported significant but very small differences between users’ evaluations of
Microsoft PowerPoint, Impress, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Acrobat (F = 2.66, df = 3, p =
< .01). The four products reach values between 5.29 (Microsoft PowerPoint) and 5.62
(Adobe Acrobat), indicating rather satisfied costumers (.89 SD 1.25). However, users of
Apple’s Keynote reported a much higher level of satisfaction with their preferred software (M
= 6.5, SD = .73). This difference to the other users was highly significant (F = 32.65, df = 1, p
< .01,
= .03).
Tasks and User Behavior
In the second part of the survey we explored user behavior and typical tasks performed
in presentation software. During the preparation of a typical computer-based presentation,
users focused 59% of their time on content (SD = 17%), 28% (SD = 13%) on design, 9% (SD
= 8%) on animation, and 5% on other activities. We found no or only very small significant
differences in the different amounts of preparation time between students and employees. (We
conducted a MANOVA with job status as independent variable and the preparation time
ratings as dependent variables; effect sizes for the univariate differences were very small with
A presentation is often created by several people, and many new presentations are
based on previous ones made by the same author. We asked participations how often they
used data or design from another presentation, providing a seven-point Likert scale ranging
from “never” to “always” (see Table 2). One-third of the respondents claimed to have never
built a new presentation based on previous presentations of other people, whereas another
one-third reported once in a while using previous presentations. A large percentage (92%) of
the participants imported data from other sources or applications into a computer-based
presentation. Pictures and images were imported often (57%) or even always (17%), while
video or audio files were rarely used to enrich presentations. Approximately one-third of the
participants frequently imported text or tables from other applications.
Presentations were more frequently exported to a PDF than to a website; in fact, 72%
of the participants stated they never exported a presentation as a website. Printing out
handouts occurred only marginally, but more often than sending the presentation via e-mail.
Nearly two-thirds of the respondents never or seldom used the presenter view tool (see Table
2). Except for the use of the presenter view (
(1, 1014)
= 4.08, p = .40), students and employees
differed in all aspects of presentation software use (13.62
116.27; df = 1, N = 1014, p <
.01). While students tended to work with colleagues and printed handouts more frequently,
they indicated slightly smaller frequencies in the remaining task activities compared to those
of employees.
Table 2. Creation and use of computer-based presentations
Once in
a while
Preparation together with colleagues
Creation based on own former
Creation based on presentations
from other people
Import from other applications: text
Import from other applications:
Import of pictures and images
Import of videos
Import of audio content and sounds
Export of presentation as website
Export of presentation as PDF
Printing out presentation as handout
Sending presentation via e-mail
Use of presenter view
Notes: All values are rounded percent to the nearest whole number. The answer anchors were explained to the
participants as follows: “never” means less than 5% of presentations, “seldom” means 535% of presentations,
“once in a while” means 3565% of presentations, “often” means 6595 % of presentations, and “always” means
more than 95% of presentations. Table 2 shows what percent of participants chose each answer option for each
particular question.
Functional Demands on Presentation Software
At the beginning of the third part of the questionnaire, participants were asked to rate
the importance of different properties and additional functions of presentation software. The
three properties considered most important were basic demands from usability engineering:
fast loading time, independence from technical settings, and independence of the operating
system (see Table 3). Interestingly, common functions such as sound effects or clip arts were
reported to be unimportant. Additionally, participants were asked to rate their most frequently
used software in regard to these aspects, using a five-point Likert scale from 1 (“very bad”) to
5 (“very good”). Due to the small case numbers for other products, only Microsoft
PowerPoint was analyzed, and results showed mostly mediocre evaluations of approximately
3 (“satisfying”). Only the picture import function of Microsoft PowerPoint was consistently
rated as ‘good’ (M = 3.95, SD = .92).
As before, in the analysis of preparation time amounts, we found no or small
significant differences between students’ and employees’ functional demands for presentation
software. (In a MANOVA, with job status as independent variable and the preparation time
ratings as dependent variables, effect sizes for the univariate differences were very small, with
.01). Thus, both groups reported the same functional demands and were comparable in
their needs regarding presentation software.
Table 3. Five most (upper half) and five least (lower half) important properties and additional
functions in presentation software
Fast loading speed
Same look in all settings and situations
Executable on all computers and operating systems
Excellent printouts
Hyperlinks between slides
Large amount of animation effects
Large amount of clip art
Capability to display 360° pictures
Sound effects
Capability to display live video streams
Note: Answers were given on a five-point Likert scale (1 = “completely unimportant,” 2 = “rather unimportant,”
3 = “neutral,” 4 = “rather important,” 5 = “very important”).
In an open-ended question, participants were asked to state possible improvements of
common presentation software. We received 502 responses, which we organized into 20
categories using content analysis. A higher ease of use was demanded most often in 17% of
responses, followed by 12% of the responses stating that nothing needed to be improved. In
10% of the responses, higher compatibility of presentation files was desired. Other requests,
listed in more than 5% of responses concerned better graphics, presenter viewing tools,
improved import tools, and improved layouts and style templates. Overall, about 40% of the
responses addressed usability aspects.
The last question—what participants missed as a member of the audience when
listening to computer-based presentations—received 388 responses, which we organized via
content analysis into 15 categories. While 12% of the responses stated that nothing was
missing, 20% shared a desire for a better speaker, and 11% wanted more creativity in
presentations. Overall, technical aspects are named in 41% of the responses, while 48% of the
responses mentioned the performance of the presenter.
Presentation Software in Use
Regarding the use of presentation software products, we confirm the prior estimates
(Montalbano, 2009; Zongker & Salesin, 2003) of an approximately 96% market share of
Microsoft PowerPoint when we asked which software participants use. However, even when
participants reported their most used programs, PowerPoint was still found to dominate the
market with 83%. Surprisingly, the second and third most used programs were Microsoft
Excel and Adobe Acrobat, two products that were not originally designed as presentation
software. Indeed, based on the weaknesses of Microsoft PowerPoint, we assume that either
the need for showing numbers and calculations or the wish for identical-looking presentations
(independent from presentation occasion, technical settings, or operating system) is a reason
for switching to one of those products. Recognizing this trend, Adobe has started to stress the
presentation capabilities of Acrobat.
Thus far, other presentation programs only play a small role in this market, which
might be due to students’ preferences for PowerPoint (e.g., Susskind, 2005) and its quasi de
facto status as a standard in educational settings (James, Burke, & Hutchins, 2006). Thus,
many people will rely on this product later in their business lives because it is well known
from their student days. Furthermore, users of Microsoft PowerPoint are rather satisfied (as
was also found by Thielsch et al., 2006), and therefore, from a sales point of view Microsoft
might have no urgent need for changes or upgrades. But it would be interesting to know more
about what this satisfaction means and from where it derives. Furthermore, the relatively high
use of nonpresentation programs like Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Excel for presentation
purposes shows that “something” is missing in PowerPoint. In addition, an interesting
direction for further research could be an investigation of what made the small group of
Keynote users so much more content than all other user groups and if that cause differs from a
general loyalty or halo-effect within the Apple community.
Presentation Occasions
In examining the occasions when presentation software was used, we revealed some
interesting findings: As expected, a high use was observed in educational settings, both
among students and employees. While students use computer-based presentations during their
education, one can assume that educational settings for employees refer to trainings such as
work-related professional training programs or on-the-job trainings. As expected,
professionals reported a frequently use of computer-based presentations in talks and meetings,
for company and product presentations, and during conferences and trade fairs. However, we
were surprised by the frequency of presentation software used at private occasions—by
students as well as employees. However, based on the anecdotal evidence that every member
of our research team remembered more than one wedding ceremony with pictures of the
happy couple shown via PowerPoint or family celebrations with slide-based quiz games, the
use of computer-based presentations in private settings has (to our knowledge) become quite
normal. Given the broad use of presentation software, we stress the compatibility of
presentation files. Users might also desire software creators to offer more design-templates
from which they can choose.
Creating Presentation Slides
Answers to questions concerning the creation of computer-based presentations showed
that this process often seems to be patchwork. Users prepare slides with colleagues or base
presentations on other presentations. This finding is in line with the results of the study by
Spicer and Kelliher (2009), who, based on data gathered with semi-structured interviews, also
described the multiple use of the same presentation or its elements. The content of computer-
based presentations is often generated within other programs or software applications
(especially pictures and images that are imported into a presentation). In this area, the
differences between students and employees in our study may be explained by different job
requirements. For example, students are encouraged to work in groups and to create handouts
for their presentations. In contrast, employees with years of experience have a larger number
of previous presentations and materials that they can employ and import into their current
In addition, it can be assumed that most users are not professional designers or graphic
artists. Thus, the large amount of time spent on design and animation (36% of preparation
time, according to Thielsch et al., 2006) suggests that typical presentation software invites or,
even more, entices the user to work on the noncontent part of a presentation. Farkas (2008)
discussed the efforts employees must exert to create a good presentation and questioned
critically to what extent this effort is in line with the employers’ demands for efficiency in the
employees’ time. In addition, Farkas (2006, p. 166) stated that presentations often have a
“second life in standalone mode” that is separate from the oral presentation. Our results
showed that this mostly occurred when presentations were printed out (handouts) or exported
into a PDF-file and only seldom occurred in the form of a website. This continuing use of a
presentation may motivate the user to put a lot of effort in its graphic design. From an
organizational perspective, we recommend well designed and easy-to-use templates to
enhance the employee’s production of presentations and to reduce the time spent on print
versions or matters of visual style.
Functional Demands
The third part of the survey clearly showed the functional demands of the presentation
software user (see Table 3). Important aspects were the loading speed of presentations, the
independence from operating systems, and the same look in all settings and situations, which
is also an issue for corporate identity. In the open-ended questions, participants stressed ease
of use and the compatibility of presentation files. These are typical usability demands, as
usability is defined over the effectiveness and efficiency users can achieve their goals (ISO,
1998). A large variety of clip art or sound effects seemed to be undesired, and sound effects
are often disregarded in the literature (e.g., Jones, 2003; Moreno & Mayer, 2000; Murphy,
2004; Thielsch et al., 2006). Most of the time Microsoft PowerPoint is rated only adequate
regarding different functions—people are satisfied but not glowing. Nevertheless, a
substantial number of participants stated that nothing is missing, and they demanded no
improvements in presentation software. In contrast, the speakers themselves and the creativity
of presentations were often mentioned as needing improvement from the audience’s point of
view. This implies that choosing a good design might be important, but instead of putting too
much energy into that, one is rather advised to put the time into preparing a good speech. A
number of answers (48%) requested improvement in aspects that are the responsibility of the
presenter and not the software. This result reminds us of the central function of the speaker,
which is also stressed (e.g., by Farkas [2006] or Garner et al., 2009], and the supporting role
of presentation software.
Some limitations should be considered when interpreting the results of our study. First,
although our study was based on a large sample, all participants shared the same cultural
background. The shared background might be a source of bias if user behavior regarding
presentations software differs significantly, e.g., between the U.S. and Germany. Second, our
approach was explorative and based on self-reports. We chose this method of data collection
because it seemed to be the best way to reach our goal of a broad description of presentation
software usage among different user groups. To gain deeper insight regarding the usage of
several software products or special user tasks, a direct observation of users’ behavior,
analysis of presentation slides (e.g., Brier & Lebbin, 2009; Garner et al., 2009; Mackiewicz,
2007a, 2007b), or the use of tracking methods would be appropriate. Third, as in all fields of
human–computer interaction, the usage and market shares of the software products under
study is relatively fast moving and prone to technical improvements that may change user
behaviors and evaluations in the future.
Taken together, our study delivers background information on users’ evaluations,
tasks, and wishes regarding presentation software and its usage. We gathered some insights
regarding the use and appraisal of software. Additional analyses showed on the one hand that
students and employees use presentation software at different occasions and differed in
creation and use of slides. Thus, results regarding such aspects could probably not be
transferred to the other group without some reservations. On the other hand, both groups
reported most of the same functional demands and were very comparable in their needs
regarding presentation software.
Further research should investigate the surprisingly frequent use of presentation
software for private occasions or to identify factors underlying the very positive evaluation of
Apple’s Keynote compared to other products. Answering questions about how to enhance
employees working with presentation software, how to focus preparation time on slide
content, or how to prepare a good oral presentation is highly interesting for applied research.
Our results regarding typical tasks and users’ behavior with presentation software
could help developers to improve such products or to create new ones (like the software Fly
by Lichtschlag et al., 2009, or NextSlidePlease by Spicer & Kelliher, 2009). Additionally, our
data provide further information regarding the problems with presentation software and the
concerns of big critics like Tufte (2003, 2006); we showed that a remarkably large proportion
of time is spent on design or animation issues, even by nondesigners, while there is a desire
for creativity within presentations and better speakers. The creation of computer-based
presentations demands a variety of design choices, which are as well mediated by the
presentation software (Farkas, 2009). Design aspects like beauty and visual aesthetics of
computer-based presentations could be an interesting research topic, especially as these
aspects have recently gained much attention in other domains of human-computer interaction
(for an overview, see Moshagen & Thielsch, 2010). As easy as computer-based presentations
are to create, presenters seem to be seriously challenged to create good presentation slides and
to deliver a good talk. Thus, this mode of presentation depends only partly on the software
itself. In particular, the interaction between the software product, the preparation of slides, and
the behavior of the speaker should be of great interest for further research.
The authors thank Timo Dinkler, Natalie Förster, Sarah Gersie, Anja Meuter as well as Meuter & Team GmbH
and Respondi AG for their support. Furthermore, the authors thank Peter Vorholt and the anonymous TC
reviewers for helpful comments on prior drafts of this manuscript.
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