1. Meaning of Presentation Package
2. Uses of Presentation Package
3. Identification of PowerPoint toolbar and its content
What is presentation package?
A presentation package is a software package used to display information in the form
of a slide show. It provides the resources necessary to give a professional
presentation for meetings, lectures, speeches or other similar situations. It enables
graphic images to be inserted and manipulated in slide show.
Examples of presentation package
Microsoft PowerPoint
Lotus Freelance graphics
AstoundGem draw
Lotus Show
Adobe Persuasion
Features of Presentation Package
Creation of slides: slides titles are used to define the information on the slide
as well as create a navigational outline for the presentation.
Insertion of pictures: Pictures can be inserted into the presentation by using a
layout into the presentation by using a layout with a picture place holder shape,
pictures can also be used as background for presentation graphics.
Insertion of video and audio: some presentation packages include objects such
as sound clip animated graphics, video clips or other media objects, these objects
are generally added to emphasize the content of the presentation or provide an
alternative means of delivering information.
Animation: Customize animation is often added to a slide show. It can be used to
delay the appearance of bullet points on the screen. The can help to keep audience
focused on what is being presented.
Slide show: the slide show has different views, they are: From beginning or F5,
from current slide or shift + F5
Custom slide: This creates or plays a custom slide show displays only the slides
you select.
Set up slide show: It shows set up advance option such as kiosk mode
Hide slide: this will hide current slide from the presentation from showing during
the full.
Slide transition: this can be set to govern how one moves from one slide to
Creation of graphics: graphics images can be created using elements of type,
imagery, colour and shape in order to communicate a message or idea visually.
Creation of organizational charts can be created from insert chart window e.g.
column, line, pie, bar, area, xy (scatter, stock etc.)
Uses of presentation package
It is used to import other files such as Word and Excel into the PowerPoint slides
It allows the integration of multimedia such as using digital video and sound to
enhance the presentation.
It gives easy upload of presentation to a server for web browsing
It assists educators to deliver course content to their students with imaginative
and interactive.
Printing out slides, speaker’s notes, audience handouts and outlines enables the
presenter and audience stay on track.
1. Define presentation package
2. Mention five (5) examples of presentation
3. Mention six (6) features of presentation package and explain them
4. Mention three (3) uses of presentation package
Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation program that is incorporated in Microsoft
Office suite package. It offers word processing, outlining drawing, graphing and
presentation management tools
Starting a presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint
There are two ways of starting Microsoft PowerPoint
Click on start button, choose All Programs and click PowerPoint
Double click on the icon of PowerPoint document and PowerPoint opens with the
document already loaded.
A PowerPoint presentation consists of slide that can contain text, graphic, charts
and other data types. When you load PowerPoint, you can start with a blank
presentation or you can begin from a template or use the Auto Content Wizard.
It is always advisable to start presentation with blank presentation because it is
more flexible and enables one focus on the content first rather than the
appearance. After choosing blank presentation
Select layout from slide dialog box you can choose any one from the following
Slide with titles and bullets
Titles only
Titles and clip Art etc.
Click OK
Saving a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
Microsoft PowerPoint has two save commands (a) Save (b) Save As (both commands
are in file menu)
When saving in PowerPoint, take the following cautions
Naming convention
Use short file name
8 letter words is preferred: The following characters cannot be used in naming a
ppt file: @, $, = , ?, 1, etc.
Alphabets and numbers can be used
Saving format
ppt (default format)
ppsx (slide show)
A presentation is normally saved as name .ppt file type. However, PowerPoint show
with the extension of name .pps is also a useful file type, so that your file can be
able to run regardless of operating system. You can also create your own template
and save it as pot file.
PowerPoint Views
PowerPoint has three major views
1. Normal View
2. Slide Sorter View
3. Slide Show View
1. Normal View: This consists of three panes such as slide pane, note pane and
outline pane.
2. Slide Sorter: This allows one to add slides, move and delete slides. It displays
multiple slides and enable one quickly change their order in the presentation.
3. Slide Show: This is a full screen display of each page in a presentation. It is
called the preview. The three buttons at down-right of the window can be used
to change the slide view.
Insert Slide Content
When you open Microsoft PowerPoint, the first item presentation is a slide. It
contains a title (large box) and subtitle (small box) section.
Type “my first presentation” in the title and content section, type your name and
class in the subtitle section. This is the first slide of the presentation.
Insert an additional slide with the “Title and Content” layout. As an example type
definition of computer hardware in the title section, type the meaning of computer
hardware in content section.
Insert a new slide with the title and content layout. In the title section, type
“examples of computer hardware”. In the content section, hit the “Enter” key to
ensure that each example has a bullet point.
Insert a new slide with title and content layout. In the title section type diagrams
of computer hardware. Click in the content section and go to insert and clip art.
Double-click on any picture of computer hardware to insert it into the slide
Press the F5 key to view the presentation press the down arrow key to advance to
the down arrow key to advance to the next slide.